Chapter 41: Deal

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Cami's POV:

As I scrambled around the apartment, I felt a little more on edge than I had most days. Today would be the first day I would go back to classes and attempt to pick up the pieces of my life. If I hadn't been so ahead before my mother's passing, I wouldn't have been able to go back with any sense of what was going on. Luckily, what little things I had missed, I had worked hard to finish over the weekend. My professors were understanding and had no problem accepting a few late asignments with minor consequence.

Even though I had little to worry about school wise, I was tense and wound up for reasons that only Harry could remedy. The last time we were intimate was in Catalina- which felt like eons ago. It seemed like every time we were together lately, we were either too tired from getting our lives outside of each other back to normal, or we were somehow interrupted.

After leaving my father's in a murderous rage, it didn't seem like the right time to make love after waiting for so long and the last few days were exhausting for us both. It was stupid that it had taken us this long, we were both being too critical and putting too much thought into it. It wasn't like it was our first time, but I swear we were making a bigger deal out of it than we had then. It was safe to say I was in need of blowing off steam and with Harry at Bandit catching up on paperwork, I was left unfulfilled and nervous before my first class.

I grabbed a banana and my car keys off of the kitchen counter and gave myself a once over before I closed the door behind me. I didn't look much different, but somehow I felt like a new person.

The drive to campus felt odd-yet familiar in a strange way. I'd been taking the same route for three years now, and driving there today felt like the first time all over again. I passed the street to Bandit on the way, and made a mental note to pay Harry a visit once I was done class.


Things settled in to their usual routine once I'd arrived on campus and purchased a coffee from the local cart. It was double the price and half the quality of one from The Grind, but this morning, convenience overrode flavour.

I was early to Visual Literacy, but prefered getting my usual seat and waiting, rather than being squished into one of the first two rows. The class slowly started to filter in one by one until it was almost full. Professor Jenks looked at the time on her antique gold watch and began class at precisely eight-thirty.

"As you are all well aware, the semester will be ending soon and exams are just around the corner," she began, her voice crisp and tight.

Groans and boos were heard in response and she only rolled her eyes at those she caught making those noises before she continued.

"As I was saying," she said frustratedly. "This will be your last assignment for the year and would be a great opportunity to boost your mark to those of you who may need it." She paid special attention to the people she looked at as she spoke her words, coincidentally being the same people who complained at the mention of exams. Those who missed her death glare chuckled and she cracked the smallest hint of a smile as she moved to the projector in front of her.

When she clicked it on, the words 'Rebirth' were written in a bold, black font on a powerpoint presentation.

"As we head into spring, rebirth is the perfect theme to discuss and focus upon. As for your final asignment, I've decided to leave it rather open ended. The basis of the asignment is to find or create a work of art that encumpases the theme of rebirth and of course an essay on the given criteria. They're are several ways you may go about this and countless pieces of art to choose from if you decide not to create an original piece. The image itself may be from the era of rebirth itself or any work of renaissance art for that matter. The criteria will be up on the screen and I advise you all to think a little outside the box."

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