Chapter 5: Lingerie and Angel Wings

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Cami POV:

"Charli, I refuse to be a naughty school girl," I said, pulling the plastic package with a slutty girl on the cover out of her hands.

We had been at the halloween shop for hours, trying to finalize her costume. After trying on countless and deciding they were unacceptable, she decided it was time to try and get me into one. I still hadn't formally agreed to go tomorrow night but I hadn't dismissed the idea either. It seemed the frat brothers at Kappa Tau, cancelled their party in lieu of a ragger that was expected at Bandit. Of course, the one year I actually preferred to spend my night at the frat house, they decided a club would be better suited to hold the Halloween bash.

Damn Harry and Caleb for making it an all ages event.

"You need something to wear and it's already last minute enough. Quit b.itching and try something on already," Charli said, gesturing towards the aisles of packaged costumes.

I could tell by her tense face she was getting frustrated with me but I was seriously considering not going anywhere this Halloween.

"Speak for yourself. I don't see you with a costume yet."

Charli opened her mouth trying to voice a come back but she fell short as she closed it again. She made a point of taking two in our size of almost every costume she walked by that she hadn't tried on already and shoved them into her arms.

"These aren't gonna try themselves."

She went off towards the fitting rooms, leaving me frozen behind her. I huffed in annoyance at her constant undying efforts and reluctantly follow after her.

The first costume we tried on is a red and white cheerleader outfit. We both stepped out in the ridiculous getup and couldn't help but laugh at each other.

Man, did this bring me back to high school. There was a time when I actually pranced around in a uniform very similar; almost once a week and shockingly by choice. Oh how things have changed, now you couldn't pay me enough to set foot in public sporting such ridiculous apparel. I'm sure Charli wouldn't mind it though, she always loved being a cheerleader.

"Not gonna happen," I said, pointing down at the clothes adorning my body.

Charli rolled her eyes and pushed through the curtain to try on another.

This time she came out with a red lace corset in which her bust was popping out and matching red tutu with a tail hanging from the back, that barely covered her ass.

"I think this is it."

Her expression reminded me of one of those brides on reality t.v who finally found their wedding dress.

"What are you supposed to be?" I asked and her face turned into a scowl.

I chuckled but she remained looking displeased with my lack of Halloween spirit.

"I'm a devil. Hello, tail hanging from my ass," She said, roughly picking it up to show me as I continued to laugh at her reaction. I knew what she was, I just wanted to get a rise out of her, she was hilarious to mess with.

"Of course you are. Can we go now?" Maybe since she's found her costume, she'll loosen up on me finding one.

Charli crossed her arms over her chest, trying to hold a threatening stance as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Not a chance, go on and try the rest."

"Uhhhh!" I groaned, and stomp my feet back behind the curtain like a child holding a temper tantrum.

"You'll thank me later when some sexy frat boy compliments how hot you look in whatever you buy!" She yelled, muffledly while I try on the next ridiculous costume she picked out.

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