Chapter 31: No Harm No Foul

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Cami's POV:

I had never understood what it meant to be truly happy... until recently. It was unfathomable that love and forgiveness could change someone's world so drastically. The day I finally forgave my Mother was the same day I let myself admit my love for Harry. Since that day, life had taken a turn for the better. I smiled brighter, laughed louder and enjoyed living my life without any reservations. I was happy. For the first time in what felt like forever, I finally saw the beauty of living life in love. I was so wrong to think it didn't exist and that people were crazy for believing it did. If that was true, then I was going out of my mind and I was perfectly okay with that if I continued to feel this way. It was a euphoric sensation that was beyond words and I would do anything to preserve it.

Other than attending school or work, my time was spent with Harry. He consumed my every thought, action and dream. I couldn't escape him and I didn't want to. Before him, that would terrify me, now it only made the prospect of moving forward even more exciting. Every aspect of my life had changed for the better since he had come into my life. Somehow, this angel sent from England shook me out of my self-depricating pattern and breathed life back into me.

I'd noticed the change mostly within my art. My sketchbook usually consisted of pessimistic interpretations on whatever topics Professor Daniels assigned to us. The pages were filled with dark images, depicting whatever bad mood I was feeling at the time. In the later pages, the images became brighter and more lively. The lines had become softer, gentler and the rigid and crude art from before had slowly faded away and lost its' appeal. I found myself excited to find out the new asignment and find a way to show my newfound outlook in the best way I expressed myself.

As I walked into my advanced drawing class, I could see Professor Daniels chatting to a few of the students. He gave a small wave over to me and I smiled as I took my usual seat in the second row. His class was one of the few that actually managed to teach you about life and people, along with art and technique. It combined everything a person needed to become insightful and inspired enough to create a meaningful piece of art. If there was anything I learned studying the topic for the last three years, it was that no piece was meaningless. Some might be blatantly obvious and others might take years to figure out. Like the Mona Lisa, no one had truly found out why she was smiling and that was part of its priceless charm. Most aesthetes would worship the value of the mystery and others would scrutinize the fact that we would never know for sure. I myself liked a little bit of uncertainty. The true message was meant to be between the canvas and the artist, the rest is left up to interpretation. That was what drew me to art in the first place. A piece could mean a multitude of things depending on the person and it was all about perspective. That was what Professor Daniels taught and that was what I strived to create, a drawing that could mean a thousand things to only a hundred people.

The last few bodies filed in and took their seats, distracting me from thinking about all the reasons why I loved art. We were all silent as Professor Daniels took to the front of the lecture room. He turned to the whiteboard behind him and scribbled down a quote I couldn't quite make out.

"Aristotle once said, it is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. In other words, it's when the shit hits the fan and you find something to stay sane."

Everyone in the room chuckled at his informal analogy, but I clung to his every word.

"No, seriously you guys. It is when all else fails that we look to something to guide us through the labyrinth of life. That thing could be religion, music, art, or your mom."

I couldn't help but feel a sting at the last one while everyone else once again chuckled. I reminded myself that I let go of her and it almost instantly faded away.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now