Chapter 13: New Beginning

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N/A: to anyone reading this, first things first thank you! Second early update and a big surprise.... starting today I will be updating every day until Christmas as a early present to you all #butterflys6daysofchristmas. please vote and comment to tell me what you think. The next 6 chapters are quite eventful ;)

Harry POV:

I had never been a guy who had trouble getting a girl to go out with me. Almost always, they were extremely willing and eager for me to take them on a date. Cami was a different story. It had been over a week since I gave her my number and she was still yet to respond to my invitation. If that had ever happened before, I would just move on and not let it bother me. With her, I couldn't rid her from my mind. She may have started off as some delinquent who snuck into my club, but somehow in the process from then until now, my opinion on her became vastly different.

She was sarcastic and witty; traits I wouldn't usually use to describe girls in Newport. I had more in common with her than I would have ever guessed and I was more than interested in getting to know her. She was so different than any other girl I had ever met and I found myself drawn to her.

Of course the one girl I was interested in, didn't seem interested in me. I knew she felt something between us when we kissed, our chemistry was undeniable. Some internal factor was holding her back and I was worried it would come between even my best efforts.

After three days of waiting for a reply, I took matters into my own hands and got her number from Charli. As embarrassing as it was to admit, I had texted her multiple times and still received no response.

I had Caleb speak to Charli for me to see if she knew why I was being avoided like the plague. Much to my disappointment, the only response I got back was a very vague "She has some personal issues."

I had suspected as much, but not knowing her exact situation was driving me insane.

I wanted to get to know her and she wouldn't give me the chance.


For no good reason, I moped around my house and unconsciously rushed to my phone anytime it sounded. It was never Cami and it bothered me more than it should have. After I took her to the concert, I thought things may progress with us. At the very least we could be friends of some sort and even that seemed like too much for her.

Caleb finally convinced me to leave the house and meet him for lunch and it took a large amount of willpower not to suggest we go to The Grind. This infatuation with her was becoming too prominent to brush off and I was determined to get her to agree to a date.

"Are you even listening to me?" Caleb's voice broke through my thoughts bringing me back to reality.

"Yeah, continue." I had no idea what he had been saying for the last few minutes, but I urged him to go on anyway.

Caleb narrowed his eyes but he continued on, fully knowing I had zoned out before.

"So what should I get Charli for Christmas?" he asked.

"The third one," I replied, without pondering my answer for very long.

Caleb reached across the small table and connected his palm to my cheek in a gruff slap.

"What was that for?" I yelled, making the whole restaurant glare at us.

I held my surly crimson cheek in my hand as he chuckled at my over dramatic reaction.

"I only mentioned two options you wanker."

"Oops." I scoffed and he glared at my unconvincing tone.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now