Chapter 50: The Way Things Were

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Cami's POV:

"Wake up," A squeaky voice called in my ear. "Cami," the voice said again.

I fluttered my eyes open for just a second and could already see the excited look on Charli's face. I shut them immediately, hoping she didn't notice and that she would go away. With Charli, there was no such luck.

"I saw you open your eyes, b.itch!" she yelled loudly in my ear.

I groaned and buried my face into my pillow. Why did she always have so much energy when I had the least?

After cramming for my final exams and staying up late with Harry for too many nights in a row, it was nice to just be by myself and actually sleep while I was in bed. Of course Charli couldn't let it be that way for too long, it was Charli after all.

"It's almost noon. Get your lazy out of bed!"

I surrendered, only because I knew she wouldn't let up. Most people would get tired of constantly pursuing something that wasn't likely to happen, Charli on the other hand loved a challenge.

"What?" I asked angrily.

I finally sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. If she hadn't woken me up, I probably would have slept for another three hours.

"I have news!" she cheered, clapping her hands excitedly.

"News that couldn't wait until I woke up?" I questioned bitterly, as I stood up.

I made my way down the hall and toward the bathroom, with Charli following behind me like a puppy dog.

"Well, technically I did wait because I was gonna tell you last night, but your grandma was asleep when I got home."

I rolled my eyes at her and began brushing my teeth as she went on about how she was waiting for me to wake up and she finally lost her patience.

"So after Caleb finally found out about the baby, thanks for that one by the way, we both decided it would make the most sense to move in together."

I literally spit out the water I was rinsing my mouth with in surprise.

Sure I figured this would happen eventually, in a few months or so. It was only a few weeks after Caleb had found out and already they had made such monumental plans. I had lived with Charli for almost four years and just like that she was moving out.

I was happy for her of course, but not having her around would take some getting use to. As much as I wished I had lived alone at times, I was going to miss having her around.

"So... what do you think?" she asked hesitantly.

I finished rinsing the toothpaste out of my mouth and wiped my face dry with a towel.

As I looked up at her, I could see she was nervous for my reaction. We were practically sisters and a big change like this was bound to affect us both.

"I think that this is great news!" As much as it would suck for me, I was happy for them.

"Really? I know it sucks that you'll be here alone, but there's just no room for Caleb and a baby," she rambled.

"Char, It's okay. You and Caleb are starting a family now and although these four years have been great just us two, it's time to move forward."

"You'll always be family to me. You know that right?"

A tear fell down Charli's cheek and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Of course, I do. Now, stop being emotional preggo, your moving fifteen minutes away."

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