Chapter 3: Way Too Hungover For This

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Cami's POV

I flicked my eyes open and glanced around at the unfamiliar surroundings before me. The sleek dark furniture was not something I remembered from last night, or any night for that matter, meaning that I was not at home. I was still in last nights dress and my hair was haphazardly sprawled out on my shoulders. I forced myself to sit up and an immediate pounding crashed through my head. I held my head in my hands and rubbed my temples in attempts to sooth the strong pain I was undergoing. A wave of nausea washed over me, reminding me of all the tequila I consumed the night before. What the hell did I do last night? Better question, who did I do it with?

I rolled out of the foreign bed and my feet hit the cold hardwood floor. I made my way into the hall, in search of the person who might have brought me here.

With no one in my immediate view, I followed the long staircase to the main floor. I glanced both left and right and still saw no one. I walked further into the strange house as a large kitchen came into view. Whoever owned this house must be pretty well off judging from the lavish interior. I stepped into the kitchen and opened multiple cupboards before I found the one containing cups. I ran the cup under the faucet of the sink and filled it with ice cold water. If only I could find some Advil to get rid of this damn headache.

Memories from last night flashed through my mind in bits and pieces. I remembered leaving my dad's party and heading straight to Bandit. The multiple shots I ordered also came back to me, along with the guy who bought me some. Lyle, I think his name was. Is that where I was? I took a large gulp of my water trying to think back to who I left with.

"Help yourself," a raspy deep voice said from behind.

The sudden noise startled me enough to drop the cup from my grasp causing a loud crash. I looked up to see a shirtless Harry, only in black gym shorts and a case of bedhead. His face turned into a scowl as he looked down to the mess I had created, of shards of glass and a puddle of water on the floor.

I left with him last night? Of all people, him? God, I know I was drunk but how in the hell did that even happen? I don't even remember seeing him, not that I remembered much.

"I'm so sorry," I said to him, as he side stepped me and reached for a broom and dustpan from his pantry.

Harry kept his face turned down, sweeping up the broken glass.

"It's fine." He proceeded with his sweeping, ensuring he got every last bit of glass remaining.

I reached for the dishcloth folded on the counter and handed it to him to absorb the water. He took it from me and bent down to dry the tile.

"So what uh- happened last night?" I nervously, fidgeting with my fingers as I awaited his answer.

Oh God, I can only imagine what I did being completely wasted alone in a bar. That was such a bad idea.

"You mean you don't remember?" He narrowed his eyebrows as he got back to his feet.

Please tell me I did not have sex with this asshole last night.

"We didn't... you know?" I couldn't fathom the thought that I had had sex with a complete stranger last night.

He looked slightly taken aback, as if it was ridiculous and absolutely out of the question.

"No, no. You were completely incoherent," he answered, shaking his head in denial.

If we didn't hook up- which I was thankful for, why did he take me home with him?

"How did I end up here then?"

I was not too sure how I felt, about a guy that I've unofficially met only twice, taking me home for the night while I was completely intoxicated. Charli was gonna have a field day when I told her about this. Not only did I go home with a random guy, he was a friend of Caleb's. I never, and I mean never went home with guys before going on at least three dates with them. One night stands were not my thing despite Charli's constant boasting about how great they were.

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