Chapter 46: Food Now, Sex Later

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Cami's POV:

As quietly as I possibly could, I slid the spare key Harry had given to me into the lock. It was just passed one AM and although it wasn't that late, Harry had been putting a lot of hours in at Bandit, so the chances of him being asleep were good.

I tiptoed my way through his house, and slid into his bedroom without making a sound. Harry was sprawled out across his bed in only a pair of black boxers, sound asleep. Not wanting to bother him, I gently shoved his leg onto his side of the bed and sat on the edge to take my clothes off. I had become use to sleeping in Harry's worn shirts and flannels, but tonight I was too exhausted myself to bother grabbing one.

In just my own t shirt and a pair of pink lace panties, I slipped into bed beside my curly haired boy. With a soft kiss to his plump lips, I curled into Harry and drifted off to sleep quite quickly.


If the sun hadn't been pouring through the window that morning, I would have thought the soft feeling of lips trailing down my thigh had been apart of an all too familiar dream I had had about Harry.

After rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I managed to open them to the best sight a girl could have at nine in the morning.

Harry's head was making its' way between my thighs and I couldn't help the giggle that escaped from my lips.

"Why didn't you wake me up last night when you came in?" Harry whispered into a kiss on my knee.

His morning voice had become something that I craved to hear almost everyday because it was the perfect blend between raspy and silky.

"It was really late and you looked so peaceful, I didn't wanna bother you," and with a quick tug to his hair, his mouth was level with mine.

Harry leaned down, pressing some weight on my torso, and brushed his lips across mine. I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck, wanting more than a soft kiss. He hungrily pulled my bottom lip between his teeth, leading into long overdue contact.

He pulled back slightly and said, "How do you always look so beautiful in the morning?"

My cheeks flushed with a deep shade of red and I couldn't help but laugh into his neck.

Harry shifted his hips and I immediately felt his erection press against my thigh. With the knowledge that he was turned on from just short contact with my mouth, I felt the fire spread between my legs.

Now, sex was always amazing with Harry. But, morning sex with Mr. Styles was as good as a girl can get.

Harry began running his hands up my body, sending the most delicious shiver down my spine. He lifted my shirt over my head and pinned my hands beneath his.

"F.uck Cami, this bra is amazing," his eyes practically popped out of his head as he took in the new addition to my collection of sexy lingerie. I was sporting a sheer and lace bra with ribbon connecting from one boob to the other.

To my surprise, Harry unclipped the bra and threw it to the ground in one swift motion. His dangerously tempting lips sucked a wet trail to my breasts, leaving small bruise marks along my neck.

I lifted my hips to meet his, in an attempt to relieve the ache between my legs. He was harder than ever and I wanted nothing more than to feel him inside me.

His teeth nibbled on my breasts, igniting every nerve ending in my body.

I lowered my hand between our bodies and slowly reached into his boxers. He pulsed in my hand, as I stroked him devilishly slow.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now