Chapter 47: We All Got Bruises

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Cami's POV:

As I laid snuggled under the blankets of my bed, I hummed in appreciation of how comfortable I was.

The last week had been exhausting and consisted of a constant non-stop pace. I was either working, doing assignments, or spending late nights with Harry. I was completely drained after all of the over thinking I had done last night and laying in my bed was exactly the right medicine.

Although I had spent countless hours thinking about what my answer should be regarding San Francisco, without getting Charli's input, I wasn't able to come to a final decision. She was clearly in a bad mood last night and it didn't feel right to bother her with this.

For now, I still had a little bit of wiggle room before I needed to fully commit to a yes or no answer, but I knew the deadline would come quick and avoiding the subject would only be making the decision harder on everyone.  Today however, I was done thinking about it and I hadn't even gotten out of bed yet. Yesterday had been completely consumed with thoughts on how I could make this work, and what was best for me, and if I really wanted this. Now I was just done with the topic for at least another twenty four  hours.  

Today was planned to be nothing short of an amazing day and I wouldn't let these worries ruin that. Harry, Charli, Caleb and I, all had plans to visit the school sponsored carnival that was in place to raise money for numerous worthy charities. The rest of my day was rather slow and I was glad for it. I needed a few hours to just do nothing and that's exactly what I had planned until I had class early that evening.


I hadn't realized I'd fallen back asleep until I was awoken by pounds on what sounded like our front door. I ignored it patiently for a few minutes, hoping Charli would be the one to answer it, but the possibility slipped away as the knocking continued steady for another couple of minutes. I groaned loudly and trudged out of my bed and into the hallway. As I passed Charli's room on the way to answer the door, it was clear she wasn't home.

As I was too preoccupied rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I didn't even bother considering who could be banging at my door or looking through the peep hole to find out. I sluggishly pulled the door open and quickly came to realize what a mistake that was.

"Good morning, Camille."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, now fully awake.

He was the absolute last person I expected to see on my doorstep. I didn't even know he knew where I lived. Or maybe I made myself believe that to offer an explanation as to why he never once visited in the three years I'd lived here.

"I can't stop by on my way through your neighborhood?" He asked with a sarcastic innocence.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stood my ground, blocking him from stepping through the doorway. 

"If we had a normal father-daughter relationship, than maybe," I retorted. "But, we both know that's not the case."

Jeremy chuckled, a cynical, crude chuckle that made me want to slam the door in his face.

What the hell did he think was going to happen?  

We hadn't spoken since our big blow up about the letters my mother had wrote me and he was acting as if we were an inseparable duo.  I'd hardly noticed his absence in my life and for the first time, it didn't bother me one bit.

"I was in the area and I thought I would come wish you a belated birthday in person, since you don't seem to be answering your phone these days," he said matter of factly.

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