Chapter 20: One-eighty

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N/A: In keeping with the regular Saturday updates here is chapter 20!!

Cami's POV:

Foolish was the only word I could use to describe my feelings. Idiotic and stupid came as a close second but seemed too crude to grasp the underlying feeling within me.

Once I had snuck away early the next morning, Harry had made no effort to contact me. I was surprised that he gave up so quickly but I suppose it made sense after he got what he wanted. Still, I had prepared myself to turn down begging and grovelling that never came, as if he ever really cared about me. Once he succeeded in his conquest, he left me with a bigger hole than what was there before. I vowed never to let a man break me again and I was trying hard to keep the promise I had made to myself. I was hurt, yes. But would I sulk and feel sorry for myself? Never. I knew the risks and they had backfired on me and now it was time to suck it up and move on. I should have known my old ways were the correct path in ensuring I would never feel this way again. I was blinded by piercing eyes and a rather impressive façade. He was too good to be true and deep down I knew that the minute I had started growing an attachment.

Days had passed and the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach would not subside. I was in for a difficult time ahead of me, but I had to face it head on and not live in denial. Harry had hurt me and I was ashamed of myself for letting him get that close. Hopefully that Scarlet girl would see through his undeniable charm unlike I did.

It was odd having Caleb in my home since he knew what had happened. He nor Charli had brought it up to me but they had to have some knowledge as to what went on. I imagined Harry must have bragged to his best friend who passed the information on to Charli. There was no other explanation as to why I wasn't hounded with questions or teased with playful jokes about what happened once they had left on Christmas.

So much for Caleb's claim that Harry was a 'good guy'. If I had gotten in deeper there was no doubt in my mind it would be much more difficult to forget about the gorgeous Brit.

I didn't want them to feel sorry for me, nor did I want to feel sorry for myself. I maintained a brave face and honestly once everyone around you believes something, you start to believe it yourself. I was fine- a little upset, but nowhere as near as I constantly feared I would end up one day. Distractions helped anything that kept me busy or got me out of the house always seemed to ease my mind. With school being out for another week or so, I tended to take unassigned shifts and go to the gym quite frequently. I disliked being back at the apartment not only because of the solace but for the awkward tension with Caleb. I in no way blamed him, but he must have felt weird being around me.

Like usual, as of lately, I woke up early and prepared for the gym. I threw on some sweats and tied my hair in a tight bun. I tied my sneakers and grabbed my freshly charged ipod as I headed into the kitchen.

Surprisingly, Charli was alone but with the phone pressed to her ear. She said goodbye to who was most likley Caleb as she greeted me.

"Hey, I was thinking we could go for lunch today. Maybe hang out at the beach?"

I could see the hopefulness in her suggestion but I also knew it was for a reason. I had managed to avoid her questions for a few days, but they were ready and waiting once I had gotten up this morning.

"I was just heading to the gym and the water is probably freezing anyways."

She sighed and placed a frustrated hand on her hip.

...and here it comes.

"What the hell happened to you and Harry?" She paused but I didn't answer so she continued. "One minute you're all happy, acting like this whole other person. Then the day after Christmas you start acting like a robot. Neither one of you will willingly tell us what happened and I'm running out of patience."

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now