Chapter 19: Merry Christmas?

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N/A: MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!!! Here is the last of the Butterfly six days of Christmas!! Happy holidays if you don't celebrate Christmas xxx

Harry's POV:

For once I felt content with the way things had been going. Sure it had only been a day since my little kidnapping spree, but still. The way we left things off was slightly awkward but I could see that Cami was beginning to come around. It was becoming harder for her to deny the connection we had the more time we spent together.

I knew it from just the way her eyes lit up when she saw me. It may have been unconscious, but I knew that deep inside of her, she felt exactly what I did only two nights ago.

Making her feel something for me wouldn't be the problem. Getting her to believe that it was okay to have these feelings was what I was worried about.

I knew the basics of why she was resistant to relationships. It had to have something to do with her mom leaving her at such a young age. From what I gathered, her dad wasn't the warm compassionate type. Without someone around to show her love, how was she supposed to know how to receive it, much less return it?

I wouldn't let her past stand in my way. I knew I could make her forget about the pain she must have felt growing up. I was confident I could take that discontent out of her beautiful face.

Spending Christmas with her today was the perfect place to start.

It was intimate but it wasn't going to be just us two.

Sometimes I felt she was more guarded when others were around but other times they helped break her out of her self-deprecating shell.

I knew she hated when Charli and Caleb tried to intervene, but it was all for her benefit.

I would be for her benefit.

I wouldn't give up until she realized this as well.


On my way to the girls apartment, a rush of panic began to come over me.

What if Cami ignored me like she did after the masquerade?

I know hooking up freaked her out last time, but she didn't run away a couple of nights ago.

That had to mean something right?

I needed to calm down before I showed up at her door. I needed to clear my head before I began to fill hers with even more confusion.

I never knew having feelings for someone could be this difficult.

I hadn't felt this way since Madison, and even then I still didn't think I felt as strongly about her like I do Cami. It was incomparable in the grand-scheme of things. Unlike Cami and I, Madison shared no similar interests to me. What I felt to her wouldn't stand a chance in contrast to my present feelings. Cami won every single time.

There was no denying it now, I had fallen for her. Arse over tits just like Caleb said and strangely, I was more than okay with it.

To calm myself down, I pulled over by the pier. A long walk on the boardwalk was just what I needed to clear my head.

Families, couples young and old, along with everyone in between, were walking down the long pier. The fences were lined with bright green garland and red bows just in case we didn't already know today was Christmas.

I found an empty space overlooking the water and crammed my way in between the surrounding people. The water was rough and the current looked rather strong. I somehow found the oceans chaotic state rather ironic given what today was. Or it symbolized how my day would turn out... in disaster.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now