Chapter 32: My Girl, Our Weekend

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Harry's POV:

"Yes we'll be checking in by two p.m. Thank you, we'll see you soon," I said into the receiver of my cellphone.

I hung up and tossed my phone on to my bed. I moved to fill the duffle bag on top of my duvet with the clothes I had set out. I gathered the weekend essentials and some toiletries and zipped it closed. I glanced at the time on my watch and was relieved I was still good on timing. I would need to give Cami at least an hour to prepare herself since the trip I was planning was a surprise I hadn't filled her in on yet. There was something about surprising her that made me happy, even though she hated when I did. After everything that had gone over the last couple of weeks, I wanted to do something to let her relax and have fun. I knew she was doing better since she had visited her Mum, I just wanted to show her a good time.

Between her school work and my obligations at Bandit, we had hardly seen each other all week. I had never felt so lonely living alone, until she stopped coming around the last few days. We always seemed to miss each other on the phone and I had been working late nights at the club since we had been short staffed. I knew yesterday that when I was spending my Friday breaking up bar fights, and my girlfriend was at home doing homework, that we needed to get out of Newport. The last conversation we had was over the phone, lasting less than five minutes the night before. A mini weekend vacation was the perfect way to spend some time together. Caleb owed me many favors, so convincing him was the easy part. He would handle Bandit without me for a few days and I could use the time to get away with my girlfriend. Convincing her was going to be the hard part, especially since I planned to leave it a surprise until the very last minute.

I grabbed my duffle off of the bed and shut the bedroom lights behind me. I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen, making sure everything was turned off. I shut the rest of the lights on the main floor and set the alarm before I locked up for the next few days. I threw my bag in the boot of the Mustang and turned the key in the ignition. I backed out of the driveway and made my way down the familiar route to Cami and Charli's apartment.

It just seemed like we both needed to get away and be locked in a room with each other. Even though it had only been a few days, I missed my girlfriend and I wanted to show her that. I was sure of our feelings for eachother, I just didn't want them to fade away from being preoccupied. She was the most important thing to me and I wanted to put her first.


When I arrived, it became clear that I hadn't thought my plan out as well as I assumed. I had no key and both Cami and Charli tended to be late risers. It was just passed ten, but we needed to be on the road by eleven thirty. I ended up resorting to firm knocks that soon turned into loud bangs. It was over five minutes before I finally heard groggy mumbling on the other end.

The door thrashed open and there she was, my girl herself. Her hair was disastrously tied up into a bun and her hazel eyes were half closed. She was scantily covered in a pair of sleep shorts and a light white tanktop, making me regret not spending the night with her. No matter what she wore, I always thought she was the sexiest girl around- especially when she wore the lingerie I often requested.

"Morning sunshine!" I greeted excitedly, as I let myself in.

Cami rubbed at her droopy eyes and yawned loudly in the process.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as a sleepy smile found its' way on her lips.

"I have a surprise for you."

Her eyebrows furrowed and a curious look took over her face. She crossed her arms over chest and I could already sense her reluctance to hear me out.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now