Chapter 40: Unkept Secrets

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Cami's POV:

As the weekend faded away, I was nervous the inner peace I had gained in Santa Barbara would as well. The spa treatments had worked wonders on making me feel serene and relaxed, but on my way back to reality in Newport, I wondered if that feeling would stick. The car ride seemed longer than it had on the way there and the music Charli played got worse as the songs changed. I attributed the majority of my unease to the fact that Harry and I were going to my father's house today. As I predicted, Jeremy was dead set on having us over and called again, insisting I pick a day to do so. I figured the sooner I got it over with the better, therefore leaving my Sunday lunch plans set. I still questioned Jeremy's motives but the faster I found out, the better off everyone would be. Of course Harry was gracious about it, agreeing to lunch with no reservations. I was nervous that something could change his mind once he met the man I had the displeasure of calling dad, but I knew Harry and I knew that at this point, not much could scare him off.

When we'd finally pulled into the apartment complex, seeing Harry's Mustang in the visitors parking section had my legs yearning to move faster. I had just seen him on Friday, but even mere hours without him already had me missing him. As Charli backed into her regular parking spot, I was already halfway out the door. I rushed her to grab her things out of the trunk and practically ran to the elevator. The ascent to the third floor was pleasantly quick and so was the walk down the long corridor that housed our front door. I realized when I looked back at Charli, still just outside the elevator, that it may have been my frantic speed doing so.

In the moment, I couldn't bring myself to care.

The door was unlocked and wide open within seconds and I was inside, gazing at a curly haired boy sat atop my couch watching t.v. As I looked around I noticed Caleb as well, eating a bag of chips just beside Harry.

"So we go away for a few days and you two make yourselves at home?" I teased.

Caleb innocently took a chip out of the bag and attempted to crunch on it silently. Harry rose from the couch and strode his way over to me, taking the bags out of my hand and dropping them to the floor. I let my arms wrap around his neck, as I stood on my tippy toes to meet his eye level. His smile matched mine; wide and bright, as we both gazed into each other's eyes.

"Welcome home," Harry said, planting a quick peck on to my lips, only adding to my smile.

The door slammed shut behind us and Charli was the cause, standing out of breath with all eyes on her.

"You could have ran a little faster," she said sarcastically.

We all three chuckled at her frazzled demeanor and she only rolled her eyes, dropped her bags and threw herself onto Caleb's lap.


Harry and I were sitting in my room now, as I put away the things I had taken with me.

"So how was the spa?" he asked, stretched across the expanse of my bed.

I turned around from my dresser to face him, a light smile still on my lips.

"Relaxing. Until Charli managed to sneak into all of my appointments. I swear she talked non stop for two days straight."

Ok, so I was being a little dramatic, but she had in fact missed the essence of what being at a spa was supposed to be. As I embraced it, Charli challenged it- which though it was amusing, bordered annoying. Still Harry laughed, a sound so miniscule and intriguing at the same time. Being at such a short distance had my desire for him at an all-time high. My gaze fell upon his pink lips, so plump and tempting. We both seemed to lock in on what the other was thinking and it happened to match. It had been too long since we had been together and I knew that if I had to wait much longer, I wouldn't be able to repress my desire.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now