Chapter 17: Oh The Pity

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N/A: day 4 people!!!

Cami's POV:

In the midst of all the craziness the holidays brought in Newport, I had delayed Christmas gift buying for far too long. Unfortunately, with only a week to spare until the big day, I had to pay a visit to the mall. Finding a parking spot alone took over ten minutes and I already dreaded seeing the condition of the inside.

The building was packed like sardines and within the first five minutes I was growing claustrophobic. Any step you took, there were people at every side of you trying to get by. There were kids running around having temper tantrums and frantic mothers trying to calm them down. It was simply disastrous.

If it wasn't for Charli and my father, I wouldn't have to be here at all. Charli was always big on the holidays and went all out with gifts and decorating the apartment. This year she had procrastinated as well, since it seemed she had less free time on her hands with the new boyfriend and everything.

Yes, they were official now and she couldn't be happier. Hopefully that meant the sickly sweet honeymoon phase would wear out soon, but I wasn't holding my breath. I was happy for her, sometimes I found myself a little envious at how easy it was for her to be happy with Caleb. I longed for it to be that simple within myself.

I was still so confused about the whole Harry situation and had yet to come to a concrete decision about how I felt about giving him a chance. I had a feeling that from the second we kissed at the concert, my three date rule was obsolete and I was right. There was no way I could go out with Harry only one more time and be satisfied- hence my hesitation. I appreciated his efforts, but they really weren't helping. Anytime he made an attempt, with it arose a bunch of reasons why it was a good idea and twice as many as to why it wasn't. In my head the cons outweighed the pros, but somewhere deep within me, the pros were starting to prove more worthwhile. For now, I needed more time. I didn't know how this would help, but it was all I had.

Although the mall wasn't anything less than a mosh pit, I welcomed any distraction these days.

I pushed my way into Sephora to grab Charli's gift. We were quite simple with our gifts and opted to buy each other only one very good gift. I had noticed Charli's make-up supply was running low and I knew she would have to make a haul within the next month. I picked out a few of her favourite products and added in a new eyeshadow palette that I would have to borrow. I gaped at the total and it almost hurt to be spending so much on make-up. She was my best friend after all, so in the end I happily walked out with a little black and white bag in hand.

I slowly moved through the crowds and on to the next and final store I would have to enter. Thankfully, the overpriced men's suit store was rather empty and I could move more freely.

Multiple salesmen approached me and offered their assistance, while they all ravenously glanced at my cleavage. All men were the same these days, perverts.

I was considering two neckties to purchase for my father when the noise on my phone, that signaled an email, sounded. I placed the ties onto the table and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

He always seemed to have such great timing, my father.

Camille, I regret to inform you that I will be on a business trip from Dec 23rd to the 29th. Perhaps we could exchange gifts upon my return?

My deepest apologies,

-Jeremy Ryder

He had done a lot of shitty things in the name of work or business, but this had to be one of the worst. He missed a few school plays and cheerleading competitions, but Christmas was always spent together. Even if it wasn't the most cheery day spent with him, we still always spent it together. Until now I suppose.

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