Chapter 9: Not Likely

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Cami POV:

Back again was my least favourite day of the week. Thankfully it was going smoother than last week had, but it was only six a.m. I hadn't seen Niall since our 'date,' and I was beginning to think the thing I feared most had happened; we had ruined our friendship. The meal part of our date was so awkward and tense, neither of us spoke much. To make matters worse, when he dropped me off at my door and leaned in for a kiss, I obviously couldn't follow through on it. I didn't want to lead him on in any way, but my rejection to him must have stung. Hopefully he would still come keep me company on my shift tonight like he usually did and we could straighten this out. I did not want to lose him as a friend, he meant too much to me.

As I walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen, Charli was surprisingly alone. It had been a while since I had seen her without Caleb attached to her hip. He had become a permanent fixture around our place and as much as I was averse to the idea before, he was good for her and they were cute together. Just because I couldn't keep a relationship, didn't mean Charli couldn't. I hoped for my best friends sake that this was the case and she and Caleb were only ever happy with each other.

I noticed a rather large duffle bag in her hands and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Hey, where are you off to?" I questioned, as I grabbed a mug from the cabinet above her.

"Caleb's taking me to Palm Springs for the week." Charli shrieked in excitement with a large grin plastered on to her face.

Wow, barley into a relationship and he was whisking her off for vacation to the rich people getaway spot. Can someone say whipped?

"That's amazing." I smiled.

Even though I was a bit worried about the speed of their relationship, she was a big girl and I knew she could take care of herself.

"He surprised me and I obviously couldn't say no." She grabbed drinks from the fridge and placed them into a plastic bag, along with some snacks that she had already gathered.

"What about class? Aren't you gonna miss a bunch?" I wasn't trying to burst her bubble, but I had to bring forward my logical side.

Charli rolled her eyes at my lost excitement. It's not that I wasn't happy for her, I was. I just knew that I wouldn't be able to miss almost a whole weeks worth of classes for a spontaneous trip to Palm Springs.

"I'm trying to get a BA in dance performance, not a doctorate in bio-med. I'm sure I'll be fine if I miss a few practices and lectures."

She waved me off and made a valid point. Her course work in the dance program was a lot less heavy than mine in the visual arts. In the duration of our classes in third year especially, the loads of course work had died down significantly. For Charli, her days of classes mostly consisted of prancing around a studio trying to learn choreography. I could understand why she wasn't too worried about missing much.

"I was just asking," I said, holding my hands up in defence. "Have fun and be careful.

I pulled her into a quick hug and squeezed her a little too tightly.

"I'm staying in the state, I'm not going to Tijuana." Her voice was strained from my tight grip around her and I could still hear her sarcasm. She pulled out of my embrace and looked at me like I had two heads.

I knew Palm Springs was a safe place, I meant with Caleb. I rolled my eyes at her and her sarcasm as she began gathering the bag of snacks and her duffle and brought them to the door.

"Text me when you get there," I said, holding up a warning finger at her.

"I will. Enjoy the rest of your terrible Tuesday."  She knew just how much I hated the second day of the week- hence the fitting nickname.

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