Chapter 49:Half The Fun

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Cami's POV:  

As I scrambled around Harry's house, gathering the things we would need for our picnic on the beach, grabbing my bathing suit was the last thing I needed to do. I dashed up the stairs towards Harry's bedroom, where he was still getting changed. As I approached the door, I heard Harry's voice speaking loudly and with clear frustration.

Now, I knew it wasn't right to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help myself. The temptation was too great to overcome and I found myself leaning against the door so I could overhear what he was saying.

"You don't even know her!" Harry's voice rang from the other side of the door.

He was slamming drawers shut and judging by the sounds of it, it was a miracle they didn't crack to pieces.

There was a long pause for a minute or so, assumingly, Harry was listening to the person on the other end of his phone call.

"Well it's a good thing I don't care what you or Gwen think, isn't it?" he asked sarcastically.

Without any further words, it was clear who he was speaking to and what the subject at hand was.

He was talking to his mother, about me. Judging by his reaction, Alice didn't seem to like me very much, or at all. It was something I sensed from the first time I met her, which ended in a huge blowup between me and Harry at her dinner table. I guess I couldn't blame her for being so cold about me. Her only impression was the night Harry found out I didn't tell him about San Francisco and it didn't present me in the most flattering light. Imagine finding out your son's girlfriend was moving away without telling him. I couldn't exactly blame her or Gwen for not being my biggest fan. I knew they probably thought I wasn't good enough for him and sometimes I thought that too. It sucked that if things between Harry and I continued to go this well, I would never have a good relationship with his family. I knew that was a risk in any relationship, but Harry and I weren't just any relationship. We had more passion and love for eachother than I had ever known. Although I knew how great we were together, Alice and Gwen would never think so and that hurt.

"I love her, and whether you can accept that or not will make no difference to me." His voice was eerie calm now and I was dying to hear what she was saying back.

He listened, breathing hard. I peeked through the open crack of the door, catching a glimpse of the tenseness of his muscles.

"I guess that's how things will have to be until you come to your senses. Goodbye, mum."

As I watched Harry end the call and head for his door, I ran for the stairs. I had just barely made it downstairs when I heard his footsteps begin to descend the steps. I was winded and out of breath, but I fumbled with the towels in the beach bag as he stepped into the hallway.

"You ready, love?" he asked sweetly, no hint of the anger I had seen only minutes ago was present.

"Let's go," I answered, trying my best to sound casual and oblivious to the information I had just come into.

Harry took the picnic basket from the floor and the beach bag off of my shoulder, leading us outside and towards his car.

Finding out your boyfriend's mom hates you was a perfect mood killer.


The car ride was weird and the tension in the air felt like it was suffocating me. It wasn't Harry's fault and I wasn't mad at him, I just couldn't bring myself to speak because I was too busy thinking. I wondered if there was any way I could make Alice and Gwen reconsider their opinion of me. I just needed them to give me another chance so I could show them how great Harry and I really were. The past few months have been the hardest of my life, but they had bonded Harry and I together so strongly that I knew we were perfect together. If I could only make his mom and sister see that as well.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now