Chapter 39: Acceptance

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Cami's POV:

The burning feeling in my chest faded away so much so, it was almost invisible. The pit in my stomach was still very much present, but the pain was manageable now. For a while I thought I would never feel okay again. I had given up on everything I had ever worked for. The day I finally broke down and called Harry, all of that changed. With him by my side, I finally began to see the smallest glimmer of hope that things would get better. I knew it wouldn't come easy and I knew it would take time, but I also knew than I was stronger than the girl I had become lately. My legs were still wobbly, but no one had ever learned how to walk without falling over first.

Harry had done more than I could have ever imagined. He stayed by my side and made everything okay with just his presence. I held out on letting him be there for more reasons than I could count. They all made sense at the time, but now with a clearer head I realized how stupid they were. I thought I was protecting myself and saving him the trouble. I didn't want him to see me as weak and I wanted to be able to take care of myself like I always had. What I didn't realize was that I didn't need to do it alone anymore. I had an amazing boyfriend and bestfriend who went through hell and back with me the last few weeks. I was a mess and they never stopped trying to help me get back to normal. Although I had come to terms with the fact that things would never go back to the normal I knew before, things would settle into a new normal.

My Mother was gone and the only choice I had was to accept that. Despite everything she had done, I knew it was time to finally let it all go. She had her reasons and whether they were wrong or not, it was all over now. At first I thought just forgetting her would heal all of my broken pieces, now I learned it was forgiveness all along. I finally forgave her. She messed up and her letter made it clear that she knew that. After fifteen years of hating her, it did nothing but hurt me and it was finally time try a different tactic.

Thinking that I could finally say I forgive her made me smile- the first real smile I'd had in what felt like forever. Harry, sitting beside me seemed to notice and smiled back as he nudged my shoulder.

"What are you smiling at, pretty girl?"

"I'm just feeling good today," I answered somewhat honestly.

A relieved look took over Harry's face and I was glad to see things were starting to settle. I knew how worried I made him and it was obvious how much he wanted me to be okay again.

"I'm so glad to hear you say that."

He hummed in appreciation as he leaned over to plant a kiss to my cheek. His lips were warm and soft and reminded me how long it had been since we were intimate. I missed his touch and the way his lips felt on mine. It was a feeling I craved constantly before this whole ordeal and one that disappeared for a short while, along with most of my other feelings. Now it was back full force and I battled with myself on whether it was too soon to act on it.

I rested my head in the crook of his neck and breathed in his soothing scent.

"I missed you," I mumbled.

"I'm right here," he assured as he ran his hands through my hair.

It was a moment so simple, yet it meant so much. Just sitting there in his arms was enough to make any girl feel at ease. There was something about Harry that just always felt like home. Being wrapped in his arms made me feel like I was protected by a bulletproof wall and like nothing could come between us. I knew I loved him weeks ago, but I never knew truly how much until this moment.

The shrills of my cell phone felt like it was the universe coming back to f.uck with me some more. I groaned, already not liking the idea of talking to whoever was calling me. I retreated to my feet and left Harry on the couch as I went to find my phone in the kitchen. The name on the screen caused a sharp breath to emit from my throat.

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