Chapter 42: My Lucky Day

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Cami's POV:

As if I hadn't already been on edge for the last week, a peek into the mailbox had tripled that feeling and then some. A letter from SFAI stuck out among the rest of the mail I had piled up in my arms and it felt like it had weighed a hundred pounds in my hands. I had completely forgotten about the application Professor Daniels recommended I complete despite my reservations about it. I never got around to actually completing the portfolio required and knew once I saw the size of the envelope in comparison to the regular mail in my hands that Professor Daniels must have sent in my work without my knowledge. I'd been going to class regularly for about a week now and he never seemed to mention that he had submitted my assignments with the intentions that I hadn't done so because of everything with my mother. While that might have been part of the reason, it was mostly because I couldn't stand the idea of being away from Harry. I knew applying wouldn't hurt anybody, but the idea became less interesting the more time I spent with him. Although the application was the last thing on my mind the last few weeks, had things ended differently with my mother, I probably would have decided against applying anyways. But now having the big envelope in my hands, I knew what that meant and I hadn't expected to feel so giddy about it. Everyone knows that if it's the big envelope it's usual a good sign and I couldn't help feel a little bitter sweet about the situation.

As I retreated back to the elevator from the lobby, I couldn't wait to reach the third floor before I struggled to rip open the seal. The paper inside was crisp and white, with the San Francisco Art Institute logo printed in the top corner. As I glanced down to the typed words in the middle of the page, I couldn't fight the smile that grew on my lips.

Dear Miss. Ryder,

Congratulations! You have been offered the prestigious admission into the Arts & Education program at The San Francisco Art Institute.

I stopped reading once the elevator dinged, signaling I had reached my floor. I haphazardly tucked the letter back into it's envelope, hiding it under the rest of the mail, as I walked down the hall to my front door.

As I turned the knob and stepped inside, I hoped Harry was still in the bedroom so I could properly read the packet. I was going to tell him I got in, but since I would be meeting his mother and sister later on in the day, I figured it might not be the best time to bring it up. I had no intentions of hiding it, I just needed to figure out if I was even considering it and what the best way to tell him was if I needed to.

Unfortunately, as I stepped inside he was seated on the couch with a cup of coffee in his hands, leaving me no other choice but to set down all the mail on the small table by the door, out in the open where anyone could see it.

"Hey, where'd you go?" he asked since I had left before he'd even gotten out of bed.

"I went to go get the mail. If I didn't, Charli would let it pile up for months," I joked, padding my away across the carpet and plopping myself down beside him.

I began to panic at the thought that Charli could have been the one to get the mail this morning. If she had, she would lose her shit and blurt it out to Harry before I even understood what it was. Harry seemed to notice something was off and his eyebrows narrowed.

"You okay?" he asked softly, taking my hand in his.

"Yeah, why?" I tried to recover.

"Your flushed," he said, brushing my hot cheeks with his thumbs.

"I took the stairs," I lied blatantly.

I didn't like this feeling at all- like I was deceiving him, which in theory was exactly what I was doing. I was proud of myself and wanted to share that with him, but I wouldn't be able to take his reaction if it was anything like the worst scenario pockets of my mind were making me think.

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