Chapter 33: Nirvana

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Cami's POV:

I didn't know if it was the blazing sunlight filling the room, or the sounds of Harry's gentle snores that woke me up so early the next morning. The fresh air filled the room and left me rejuvenated from a horrendous past few weeks. Oddly enough, I felt a powerful sensation of lust and love for Harry at eight o'clock in the morning.

After Harry and I had shared a romantic evening on the beach the night before, we had been too tired to have any fun when we got back to the room. With a fresh burst of energy, I rolled over to face Harry and brought my lips to his neck. I dragged them across his warm skin and sucked at the spot just below his collarbone. A few groans and an eye rub later, his eyes fluttered open and a large grin spread across his lips.

"Good morning to you too, baby," he said as he brought his mouth to mine.

I had grown to truly love his morning rasp, it was so sexy and intriguing. In need of more of his tender touch, I climbed on top of Harry, feeling the already present bulge under his pants. A look of confusion flashed across his features due to my unusual morning delight.

I lifted his shirt up enough to make a trail of slow, torturous kisses down his stomach. His pants grew tighter as I moved my way further down his body. An agonizing moan escaped from Harry's full lips as I ran my hands along the waistband of his boxers.

I made a move to slide his boxers down his legs and had his full length exposed to me. I gripped him in my hand and brought my mouth around him. I began pulling him deeper down my throat, while pumping my hand down his length.

"F.uck Cami, you're so good." Harry's head fell back against the pillow.

In response, I picked up the pace of my movements, flicking my tongue against his tip.

With each snap of my tongue, Harry's body became more rigid. I batted my eyelashes up at him, teasing him with just one look. I squeezed him firmly, coaxing liquid and sucking at his tip. I felt his hand in my hair, holding my head in place. I kissed a line of wet kisses up his c.ock and could feel his grip on me tighten. When I looked up at him, his eyes rolled back and it was clear he was struggling to stifle a groan.

I loved seeing him like that, vulnerable and exposed just for me. I moved my tongue at a steady pace in accordance with my mouth, bringing him closer to his release.

He mumbled dirty words, encouraging and praising every action I made.

I brought his length as far into my mouth as I could, feeling every inch of him fill my mouth. Moments later, he cursed under his breath and warm liquid spilled into my mouth.

He covered himself with the bed sheet and I flopped onto my stomach beside him.

"Good morning," I smirked as I took my lip between my teeth.

"If you were my alarm clock every morning, I wouldn't mind getting up early," he said with a an aroused smirk.

"I'm sure," I teased, resting my head on his firm chest.


"Make sure you bring a sweater. It's a little chilly when you're on the water," Harry said, pulling one of the cardigans Charli had packed for me out of the bag.

"We're going on the water?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow curiously.

Harry just smirked, that stupid knowing smirk when he was up to something and he didn't want me to find out just yet, another surprise.

He refrained from answering as usual, and we left through the inn's front doors with a kind greeting from every member of staff we passed by. The sun was warm on my skin and I could smell the fresh mist of the ocean as soon as we set foot outdoors. The air here was so calming and different- so much better than Newport's, it made me want to stay on the island forever. It was an escape from the real world and having Harry by my side made it that much more enticing. Problems didn't exist here, it was nirvana.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now