Chapter 44: Great Night, Rough Morning

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Harry's POV:

"I think we should tell them," Colt whisper yelled at Scarlett.

Scarlett crossed her arms over her very visible chest and narrowed her eyes.

"And I think you should stick to your spot behind the bar and remember that you're only in charge when Caleb and Harry aren't here," she retorted.

I had just stepped into Bandit from the back entrance and could already hear drama within the first minute. Since Caleb and I had been away from the club more than usual, Colt shouldered most of the responsibility, which didn't seem to sit well with Scarlett.

Instead of doing what I secretly yearned for, which was to sneak upstairs to my office and pretend I didn't hear what they were arguing about, the responsible boss in me sighed and headed into the empty bar and left my hefty stack of paperwork undone for another few minutes.

"Problem, you two?" I asked, stepping out into view.

"Yes," Colt agreed at the same time Scarlett attempted a "No."

"What happened?" I asked, making my way over to them.

I sighed and took a seat between them at one of the barstools, dropping my car keys and cellphone on the bar. My screensaver lit up with a picture of me and Cami and I got lost in adoration for a few seconds as Colt began.

"So I called Tim, but they made a scene and broke a couple bottles." Colt finished, but I had only caught the ending.

"Harry?" Scarlett questioned, noticing I was rather lost.

"Sorry, late night." I mumbled.

After Cami and I got back to her place, she was four more shots in and a lot less subtle about it.

But who was complaining when they got drunk sex from their girl all night long?

Certainly not me.

Again?" I asked Colt, waiting for him to repeat as I intently focused on his words this time.

"Three guys came in last night and got pretty rowdy. They were being really pushy with all of the girls and one of them even grabbed Scarlett. I called Tim to get them out, but they put up a fight and demanded to see you. When I said you weren't here, they threw some beer bottles and then left after Big Ronnie and Darren saw what was going down."

Although I was glad my security had a handle on things rather quickly, it was unnerving that three very muscled men were needed to take control of the ordeal. It didn't help my unease that the culprits asked for me by name and I had some ideas as to who they may be.

"You okay?" I asked, turning to Scarlet.

She nodded confidently. "I'm fine. I told Colt not to bother you with it."

"You did the right thing, mate. This is why we leave you in charge," I complimented.

"They didn't come back or anything," he added, to which I only nodded.

I ran my hands through my hair frustratedly. There seemed to be a lot more problems going on the more time I took away from the club. Between Cami's mum's death and helping her deal with it all, I wasn't ashamed to say I neglected my buisness over her. I'd been taking many days off and hadn't been bothering to show up at all. Caleb had been rather preoccupied too, but he managed to keep things afloat for as long as he could by himself. He was more of the execution part of running the club, where as I handled the office work like finance, paperwork and any liability issues that came our way.

Three men harassing other patrons and staff? Definitely a liability.

I needed to get back to work and focus a little more on taking care of my work and my relationship, to make sure both were running smoothly. I wouldn't go back and change the time I took off to be there for Cami for the world, but now that we were in a good place, it was time I got Bandit back to a good place too.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now