Chapter 55: All My Fault

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N/a: so this is it! The last chapter ! Thank you to the same 15 people who have been reading since the beginning and even though 3k isn't that much to most people, this is my first book I have rode out until the end. It has been a hell of a ride and I'm so happy with how it has turned out. As of now there is a sequel planned for the near future but with university starting up there is no way I will even begin writing until late April!! Stay tuned until then this is not the end of Cami and Harry's story !!!

Cami's POV:

I had to get to Harry before he got to Liam.

I had to stop whatever he was about to do.

I had to find Harry.

Those were the only thoughts filling my mind as I paced around my apartment. I was walking back and forth so quickly, I could feel the draft breezing with my movements.

I called him, I texted him, I left him messages, and was met with no response.

I had no idea where to begin looking for him.

I hadn't been privy to his thoughts in over a month and I had never seen him drunk and angry. I didn't know this side of him well enough to predict his next move or the place he would be heading. The Harry that had stole his friend's car while under the influence just to get even with Liam, was a Harry I definitely didn't know.

I didn't know where to begin, who to call or who to warn. It wasn't like I had Liam's number to let him know that Harry was on his way over with a serious bone to pick. It wasn't like I had any idea how to fix this.

Then it dawned on me. I may not have Liam's number, but I did have a way to get in contact with Zayn and he was as close to Liam as I could get.

I unlocked my phone, hastily clicking The Grind's number and waiting impatiently as each ring sounded. It was only after three when I had almost given up hope, did Niall finally pick up.

"The Grind Cafe," his voice said, breathlessly.

"Niall, it's Cami!" I practically screamed. "Please tell me Zayn is next to you?" I questioned, begging to a God I didn't even believe in that he would say yes.

"He's just serving a customer. Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice soft and calm.

Everything was far from okay, but I had no time to explain that to him.

"I need to talk to him," I pressed, ignoring his question.

"He's just in the middle of it and we're slammed here. Can it wait?" he asked, clear he was trying to rush me off the phone.

"No!" I informed. "I need him now, please."

Niall sighed on the other end and I could hear the phone shuffle between his grasp.

"It's Cami," I heard faintly in the background.

It was another few moments before I finally heard breathing return directly on the other end as the phone got passed from Niall to Zayn.

"Well, well. I always wondered when you would finally admit you want me," Zayn spoke smugly and surely with a smirk.

I scoffed. "In your dreams, asshole."

He chuckled before speaking up again. "Well if Liam's dreams can come true, I have faith mine will too."

I gulped, nearly feeling sick.

His voice was teasing, he knew something happened between me and Liam.

Was he the one who told Harry?

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now