Chapter 54: Expiration Date

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N/A: Longest chapter I've ever written and the second last ;)

Cami's POV: 

I use to think I couldn't go a day without hearing Harry's voice. A day without seeing his dimpled smile.  When the day finally came that I had seen and heard the last of both those things, I didn't think I could make it through. It was like constantly looking at the end of a dark tunnel that was practically never ending. All I could do was wallow in self-pity and allow myself to be miserable when need be. I knew it would get worse before it got better because loving Harry wasn't a one time event. It was an unbreakable feeling that felt as strong today as it did the day he broke my heart.

The only thing making me get up in the morning was the ongoing hope that one day when I did, I would feel just a little bit better.

I was trying, shit was I trying. I had put an act on for everyone around me that I was starting to get back to normal, but it was all just a show. I suppose in a small sense I did feel a little bit better. I hadn't shed a tear since Charli had snapped me back to the shitty reality that was my life, but the inside of me cried as much as ever. My body was practically screaming that I wasn't okay, but all I did was ignore it.

I needed to be strong for myself. For once, I needed to be my own hero because I was all I had left. Harry was gone, Charli was starting a family, Niall was happy with Rachel and my parents didn't even get included in the category of a support system. I was alone, and for the first time, I simply had to deal with it.

Charli still tried to be there for me, but it was almost a month since everything and the down time from a breakup had long expired. I knew that if I needed her she would be at my side in a heartbeat, but I finally managed to convince her that she didn't need to hold off on moving in with Caleb.

It had only been a few days on my own and admittedly it was strange. Although living with Jeremey was like living with a ghost, my grandmother had been there with open arms whenever I needed some comfort. After she died, I had only lived with Jermey for a few weeks before I had moved in to the apartment with Charli. Now there was no Jeremy, no Charli and certainly no Harry. I didn't mind the quiet, I only got bothered by the emptiness it brought with it.

Breaking the silence, my cellphone rang from my nightstand as I layed in bed contemplating my life. I reached over for it and nearly rolled my eyes at Charli's name for the second time this morning.

I groaned before answering, "Hello?" I said, turning my voice up for the sake of my best friend.

"What are you doing right now?" she asked excitedly.

I could practically hear her smile through the phone and already knew that whatever she was about to suggest we do together, I was going to hate.

"I was just getting ready for work," I lied.

She scoffed on the other end. "Cami, you've had the same schedule for almost four years, you don't think I know it by now?" she asked, amusement clear in her tone.

I sighed, there was no use in fighting with her, something I should have known by now.

"Fine," I surrendered. "I'm laying in bed, why?"

"Great! Get dressed."

Already by her cheery tone, I regretted picking up the phone.

"Where are we going?" I sighed, praying it wasn't something I was going to be poking my eyes out while doing.

"Shopping for the babies," she said as if it should have been obvious.

I shrugged to myself,  that sounded like something I could handle.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now