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Butterfly Prologue

Do you ever get that feeling when you're in the passenger seat and the driver suddenly slams on the brakes? In that moment, your stomach drops and your heart feels as if it's stopped for just a second. Right now, those were my exact feelings, only it didn't last for just a second.


As I increased the pressure to the excelerator, my heart was beating faster and faster at a constant rate. I knew that if I don't get there in time, it was all over.

The heavy rainfall pelting down from the sky made the roads slippery and slower. I swerved through the lanes on the road, dodging cars in my wake. The sounds of the angry car horns resembled the sentiments of the drivers behind the wheel, but all I could think about was getting there.

I reached for my cellphone calling his number, hoping that he would finally answer.

No luck.

I dialed again and again, still nothing. With one last lane change and wide left turn, I pulled into the nearest parking lot to the pier. I shut off the ignition and dashed out of the car, almost tripping over my own feet.

My feet reached the wet sand, slowing my frantic pace. I glanced both left and right in search of him. The cold rain had fully soaked through my clothes, but in moment I payed it no mind.

What if I was too late? I wondered, as my throat started to run dry.

The light sounds of struggling could be heard being masked underneath the harsh sounds of the waves crashing along the legs of the pier. Through the darkness and gusts of blowing rain, I could barely see anything let alone any movement. A loud grunt caused my senses to guide me in the direction of the noises being heard.

Before my brain could even react, my feet were carrying me full force directly underneath the pier.

It was then that I saw them. Two wet bodies struggling, hurling towards each other.

Harry was straddling him, delivering punch after punch to Liam's jaw. His face was slightly illuminated by the moonlight, enough for me to see the sadistic expression on it, along with the blood trickling down from his nose.

Harry's hand folded itself around Liam's neck and before I knew it, Harry was suffocating him.

"Harry!" I yelled, moving to him quickly.

If I didn't get Harry away from Liam, there was no doubt in my mind that he would cause serious damage.

Harry's face turned up as he looked at me, his eyes growing wide. His grip around Liam's throat didn't falter like I hoped it would. Harry showed no signs of letting up, and a pang of guilt presented itself deep within my stomach.

This was all my fault.

"Cami, get the hell out of here!" he yelled warningly.

His voice was almost hopeful, like maybe this would be the one time I actually listened to him.

A single tear fell from my eye, slowly dripping down my check. The fallen tear must have been emitted from the moonlight as Harry seemed to notice it's presence.

"Please don't do this." My voice was hoarse as I tried and hold in the loud sob threatening to fall from my mouth.

Harry's eyes softened at the sight of my pathetic begging, and his tight grip around Liam's neck visibly loosened.

Harry's quick moment of uncertainty was instantly taken advantage of when Liam's arm raised and wrapped itself around his neck. The roles were quickly reversed as Liam's hands became clutched around Harry's throat with a bone crushing force. Liam's lips turned up into a murderous smirk when Harry's breathing began to sound strangled.

"Stop!" I yelled frantically, as I rushed to Harry's side.

I used all my force trying to push Liam off of him, but he didn't even seem to register my brutal action. I gripped my fingers into Liam's hair and pulled on it, hoping to divert his attention for a brief moment.

Liam groaned and his arm raised from around Harry's neck, using it to grip my shoulder and force me backwards, causing me to fall on my ass into the sand.

Harry immediately searched the area around him, until his hand reached a large piece of driftwood.

It happened so fast, just like it would in the movies. I didn't have time to register what Harry was planning.That was until he raised the piece of wood, smashing it down with all his force against Liam's head.

Liam fell to the ground and the strangled sob I had been holding in released itself from my throat.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now