Chapter 11: L.A

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Cami POV:

From the moment I woke up, all I could feel was nervousness. I was completely distracted in class and I tuned out my professor to let my own thoughts in. I missed the whole lecture, which forced me to ask the girl beside me to email me her notes. There were few things I was extremely serious about and school was one of them. It was absolutely out of character for me to be so out of touch in the middle of a lesson and I knew exactly why. The anticipation of seeing Harry tonight was weighing down on me too much. I felt like I was going to combust. I desperately needed to talk my weird feelings through with someone. Unfortunately, Charli was still in Palm Springs and though we texted back and forth, this was a face to face kind of conversation. Under different circumstances I would gladly tell Niall about my internal battle, but things just started to get better between us not even a day ago. I had other girlfriends, some girls from Chapman and the others who worked at The Grind, but I wasn't close enough to any of them to be disclosing my inner most feelings that I've barely recognized myself. It looked like I was going in this alone... at least until Charli got back.

I had no idea once again where I would be heading on another Friday night but deemed from Harry's personality, he wouldn't be taking me anywhere formal. It wasn't a date after all- at least I hoped it wasn't. I wasn't prepared for one of those just yet, much less with Harry.

Since I had such an unproductive day, I decided to force myself to work until Harry arrived. I spent hours on my computer typing away and finishing as much homework as possible and started which ever asignments I could. I was proud that I ended up finishing enough work that I would be ahead for at least a few days. Only problem now was that I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. It was only a few minutes passed six so I figured a quick cat nap would be a necessity in order for me to make it through the night.

I retreated to my bedroom and as soon as I laid my head down on my pillow, I was out. I found myself deep within an oddly familiar dream that some how managed to put me at ease. I couldn't remember what exactly occurred in said dream but it relaxed me and when I woke up I felt revived and refreshed. I yawned and stretched my arms to crack my back. When I looked at the clock on my nightstand, the panic I had been feeling all day came back over me. It was just passed 7:30, meaning Harry would be here in here in less than half an hour and I had just woken up.

"Shit." I cursed.

I threw myself out of bed even though I was still groggy. My short lived revived feeling got taken over by panic. I quickly went to the bathroom and attempted to wake myself up with a splash of cold water to my face before brushing my teeth. I pulled my hair out of its ponytail and went over it with the straightening iron just to get rid of the bumps at the back. I really didn't feel like applying much make-up for the second time that day so I did a simple look of mascara and light eyeliner just so I didn't look so bare.

I picked out a tight fitting black long sleeve with an open back and blue ripped jeans, hoping I wouldn't go through a repeat of the wardrobe malfunction like last Friday. I had just slipped on my beige flats when there was a knock at the door. As I rushed to answer it, I checked myself quickly in the full size mirror and was quite impressed with my efforts for less than half an hour. I flattened out my hair one more time before I unlocked the door to reveal Harry on the otherside. Thankfully he was quite casual in his usual black jeans and red plaid shirt under a black jacket. I internally sighed in relief that he wasn't planning to go anywhere too fancy or stuffy, that kind of thing really wasn't my style.

"Hey, you ready?" he questioned.

He stepped inside as I closed the door behind him and put his hands in his pocket as he waited for me to reply.

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse."

He nodded in response and I couldn't help but feel the room heat up a few degrees with his presence alone. Why the hell did I start feeling so weird everytime he came around? I took a few moments longer than necessary to compose myself in my room before I headed back out with my purse in hand.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now