Chapter 14: Let The Games Begin

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N/a: The first official Chapter of the Butterfly six days of Christmas is here! Please vote and comment and come back tomorrow for another update!

WARNING: This chapter includes explicit sexual content. If you are not comfortable with it please skip over it !!

Cami POV:

Enveloped in warmth, my body laid comfortable under my duvet. As I mindlessly scrolled through my phone, I had no plans of getting out of bed today. It was the first Sunday in months that I had absolutely nothing to do. No work or homework meant no Cami for the outside world. All I wanted was to lay in bed all day and maybe curl up to a nice book.

Of course Charli had other plans for me.

My door swung open and crashed roughy against the door stopper. I groaned and glanced at the fully dressed and ready to go girl in front of me.

"Get dressed, let's go out." Charli said.

She moved toward my window and hiked up the blinds all the way. The beams of light being shot out of the window strained my tired eyes and I winced.

"Nooo," I whined.

Charli ignored my protests and hopped on to my bed with a bounce. I pulled my blanket over my head and shielded my face from her persistent antics.

"Please," she begged. "I'm so bored."

I could feel her grip trying to force down the covers, but I held a firm hold on them.

"Call Caleb," I suggested, my voice muffled by the thick fabric separating us.

Looked like my plans of not moving from my bed had already been thrown out the window.

"He has some stupid meeting with Harry. C'mon, just for a couple of hours."

I could feel her index finger poking around trying to get me to agree. I knew she would just keep asking until I gave in, she was like a child in that sense. I huffed loudly and whipped the duvet off of me. Her face lit up, pleased at my diminishing resolve.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cheered, heading back to the hallway once I got to my feet.

If Caleb was busy, there was no point in trying to get my way out of it. Aside from me, Charli hadn't spent much time with anyone other than her British boy-toy, meaning while he was indisposed I was her wingwomen.

I would never understand why those two always had business to take care of before it was even close to dark. They ran a night club after all. I would have to ask what they actually did the next time I saw Harry. We had been texting quite frequently since our outing, but I was determined to keep things casual and take whatever was going on between us very slowly. Charli was of course against this idea and encouraged me to jump in head first. Although I appreciated her advice, I was comfortable with what we had working for us. We never really named a title to the status of our relationship and I was glad. Labels only complicated things and I hadn't decided if I was open to giving or receiving one from Harry.

For now, I was perfectly content with just how things were.

I took an extra long time to get ready, purposely to piss Charli off. I could hear her huffing and puffing out side of the bathroom door as she waited for me to emerge. Much to my amusement, I dragged out whatever morning tasks I usually did. I straightened my hair to perfection and was precise with my eyeliner and mascara. I slipped on my comfiest pair of boyfriend jeans and topped it with a white tank. I checked the weather on my phone and opted to add a long grey cardigan so I didn't freeze. When I could no longer find anything else to waste my time on, I proceeded to open the door. Charli was waiting with my bag in hand and an eager smile.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now