Chapter 25: Something Great

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Harry's POV:

Pink Floyd filled the car as I weaved in and out of traffic on the freeway. The added fifteen minutes spent waiting for Caleb had put me behind schedule and stuck in mid morning traffic. The only thing keeping me sane was the melody blaring through the speakers. Caleb shifted and fidgeted multiple times in the passenger seat, not very comfortable with the volume. He was always a chatterbox and I could physically see him itching to get a word in. Once the song led to a close, he paused the cd before the next one could begin.

"Do you mind?" I asked, reaching forward and pushing play.

The next song began and he groaned in annoyance. He reached his hand forward once again, but this time he turned it down so it was just slightly audible. I refrained from slapping his hand away and figured I might as well get whatever he had to tell me over with. He wouldn't shut up until he said what was on his mind and I prefered that whatever it was, came out before we reached my Mum's house.

"Okay, what?" I asked, taking in a loud breath.

"So, you and Cami huh?" he questioned with a knowing smirk.

I rolled my eyes in response and fought the urge to blare the music once again. He fully knew that Cami and I had been hanging out and yet his nosy ass wanted more information. What he really wanted to know was if I had made things official.

Caleb knew me better than anyone, which meant he knew of my usual resistance to getting too involved with girls. I was open to it, I just never found a girl I was interested in being serious with since Madison. The whole being cheated on thing left me very careful in the prospect of dating and I hadn't wanted to try again until recently.

Until Cami...

I never expected to fall for someone who I would have to make see the benefits of a relationship. I would have expected it to be the other way around, leaving the girl with the responsibility of convincing me. If I knew anything about Cami, it was that trying to take things yet another step forward would take some convincing. I felt like I was ready for the commitment, I just wasn't sure where she stood on the idea.

"What about me and Cami?"

It was Caleb's turn to roll his eyes, since he knew I was fully aware of what he was getting at.

"Are you guys together, or what?" He finally came out and said it and I found myself longing to say yes, but I couldn't.

"We haven't really talked about it." I answered truthfully and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

It had only been a short while that we had been actually 'dating' and I was always hesitant to bring it up. She wanted to take things slow and I doubted that asking her to be my girlfriend classified as 'slow'.

"You guys have been hooking up for months, how long do you need?"

"It's barely been a month, mate. Plus, we agreed on babysteps," I shrugged.

I couldn't and more importantly wouldn't- force her into it if it wasn't what she wanted just yet. I was fine with taking things slow, for a little longer at least.

"Who are you kidding? You two have been on and off since Halloween. Plus, you agreed on babysteps, not crawling for over two months," he added in.

He had a point. I felt like we had been together for much longer than just the days following New Years Eve, but technically that was not the case.

"It's her decision. I'm not gonna be a dick and bring it up just to pressure her into saying yes."

"That's exactly what you should do! That way she'll have no other option."

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now