Chapter 16: Just a High School Thing

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DAY 3 of the butterfly 6 days of Christmas!!! Please vote and comment xxx

Harry's POV:

I had enough of the radio silence and confusion of what was going on in Cami's head. I was going crazy not knowing why she freaked out the way she did. If anything, she initiated what happened between us the night of the masquerade. Yet here I was, unable to think of anything but her for more than a few hours. My text messages were becoming borderline pathetic, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. After all my efforts on our date and the week or so after, things were looking up between us. Then the masquerade hit and it was back to the drawing board.

I had called her non stop the day after and then demoted to multiple text messages. I finally gave up on the idea that she would respond after almost a week, I then decided to give her some space. That only lasted for a day. I couldn't bring myself to give up on her just yet. I needed to know what really caused her run away and ignore me for the past week.

I had even resorted to ask Charli for advice about how I should proceed. She knew Cami better than anyone and if someone knew why Cami was being so distant, it was her.

"I just don't understand what happened, things were going well." I couldn't help but grow frustrated when I began speaking these thoughts out loud.

I knew if I had any shot of breaking down the wall that was Camille Ryder, her best friend was the way to do it. Hence the reason I was sitting in an overpriced Starbucks with both Caleb and Charli.

"Harry, you have to understand, Cami doesn't know how to handle her feelings."

I hated the way Charli was giving me a look of sympathy, as if I had no shot of getting Cami to give me a shot.

"So you're saying she has feelings for me?" The idea formed a burst of hope within me. Maybe I did have a shot after all.

Charli sighed and Caleb chuckled. They both seemed to know something I didn't and I didn't like it.

"Haz, I told you that if she wasn't interested you had to leave her alone. This is getting a little obsessive now." I could see the seriousness in Caleb's tone and that he was genuinely concerned with how much effort I had been putting into this.

He was right about one thing, but not that she wasn't interested. He didn't see the way she looked at me the night of the masquerade, he didn't hear the way she moaned when I kissed her. I knew she was interested, she was clearly afraid of something that was holding her back.

"I don't think Cami even knows if she's interested," Charli shrugged.

It was clear there was more to her than meets the eye. She was more than this beautiful outspoken girl who had great taste in music. She had a deeper story and demons from her past that I unconsciously wanted to scare away.

"So, what do you suggest?" At this point, I was open to anything, my advances didn't seem to be working.

Charli took a moment to consider her answer, as Caleb and I both intently stared at her waiting for a response.

"Talk to her."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. I had tried to talk to her and was left with nothing but crickets on the other end.

"I sent her at least fifty text messages trying to talk to her. I don't even think she reads them."

"I mean go and talk to her," Charli corrected.

I didn't think going to see her was a good idea. But if Charli recommend it, I guess I would have to give it a shot.


Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now