Know Better

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Tommy has never been a patient person.

Never has been, never will be.
He certainly as h*ll is not one now.
Still, he could wait for the adult to come back as he washed the fruit he was supposed to eat.

Though, Tommy had insisted 3 to 4 times that it wasn't a necessity and he could just eat them right out of the tree. Each time Phil gave him a look and went on a mini tangent about how dangerous not washing them would be.
Each time, Tommy regretted saying anything.

"So, Phil, what do you usually do for a living?" Tommy asked picking at a thread in his shorts.
Phil gave a soft smile as he worked.
"I'm majorly an adventurer, though I do experiment with the Elytrian Program," Phil answered pulling out a knife and carefully cutting each fruit for the younger.

"What's that?" Tommy asked dropping onto his back this eyes glazing over as he watched the treetops intermingle with the sky.
"Hmm, it's where they take Elytrains, usually well trained but sometimes just fairly good, they put them each into a tunnel-like thing, and then have them fly through some kind of deadly obstacle in order to get to the other side," Phil scoffed.
"Most people hate it due to the high risk of death," Phil turned to the younger with a soft smile as he dropped the fruit into a bowl.

"If you were an Elytrian I can see you doing it," He commented holding the bowl out for him.
Tommy absently took it and sat up.

He popped one in his mouth and grinned.
1) he's glad he let him wash them first because this usually kinda dry fruit was now satisfyingly juicy.
2) he just said if he was an Elytrian he'd be a good flyer AND that he's brave enough to do the challenge!

"Yeah, I do just exude that much Big Man energy," Tommy grinned.
Phil chuckled and looked up past Tommy.
"Oh, hello? Are you lost?" Phil asked.

Tommy turned and was met with a slightly hiding green shulk.
His slightly hiding green shulk.

"Tubbo! My man! I couldn't find you, I thought you'd be at the base of the tree or some sh*t. You get lost?" Tommy greeted far too loudly.
He hopped up, abandoning the fruit he still desperately needed, and pulled the shorter into a tight hug.

Tubbo gladly wrapped around the taller.
"Sorry, had to find a place to sleep for the night. Not everyone is as good as you with climbing trees," Tubbo chuckled burying himself in the taller's chest.

Tommy pulled away but didn't let go entirely.
"I am quite amazing, aren't I?" Tommy puffed out his chest.
Tubbo hummed with a soft smile.

"The biggest man! I'm the best!" Tommy rambled.
"Tommy, eat," Phil instructed and Tommy turned.
He rushed back to his bowl, dragging his friend with him.

"Who's your friend?" Phil asked digging through his bag once more.
"I'm Tubbo, sir," the shulk greeted bitterly.
"He's part of our group now!" Tommy announced.
"I see, well it's a pleasure Tubbo," Phil greeted, "would you like something to eat dear?"

Tubbo blinked at him for a moment before digging into his pack and pulling out what can only be described as an attempt to make a granola bar.
Phil winced.
"I can make you something dear, don't worry," Phil assured smiling at him.

Tubbo glanced down at his bar, then at the adult, then his bar again, then at Tommy.
Tommy looked away from his food and made a look of perfectly mixed confusion and disgust.
"What, did you drop that into a vat of toxic waste?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy! Be nice!" Phil scolded and Tommy frowned displeased.
"But Phil-!" He began.
Tommy quickly shut up and slumped slightly.
"It does look non-edible though," Tommy grumbled and Tubbo looked down at his bar again before tossing it to the side for whatever animal wanted it.

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