Hermitz and Originz

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Phil led the Hermits through the forest out of town. Grian was rambling to the older blonde while the younger blonde stayed near the back.

Joe was really not having a fun time.
He reached forward and tried to grab his arm. His wing was in the way right as he went to grab him though causing him to grab a handful of feathers. The dude didn't even flinch!

Joe, at least, seemed startled by this fact and kept glancing between the feathers, the wing, and the man.
After clearly trying to get the man's attention time and time again finally the man lurched forward and touched the red gem that sometimes became visible when he opened or flapped his wings.

A very obvious shiver ran through him and he turned to look back at his companion with a look of irritation.
Tommy watched as the irritation immediately drained from his face and he lurched forward to help the man take the blue sweater off.

The man let out a sigh of relief.
Underneath the blue sweater, the man wore a black and yellow Egyptian necklace with a single silvery-white middle piece in an odd @ symbol. Kind of like a signature?

He wore a black and yellow kaftan under the necklace. Previously only the lower half of the garment had been seen.
A large chunk of the back of the kaftan was cut out revealing his tanned back and a pair of paper-thin see-through wings, similar to that of a bug's.

"Are you ok? I totally forgot!" Grian apologized looking over the man, especially his wings.
"Don't worry, mine may be more fragile than Cub's but it can withstand something over it unlike his," Joe assured as the shorter carefully looked over the 4 wings. 4? It looked like 4. But was it?

Tommy couldn't tell. And to be fair most were confused by it at first too.

It was 4, by the way.

"Woah! This dude's got 4 wings!" Tommy whispered loudly.
"4 wings? Like what Philza has?" Jack asked.
"Uh.... not quite? They're thinner and with no feathers," Tommy replied.
"Huh, that's weird," Niki hummed.

"Toms?" Phil interrupted him.
Tommy perked up and smiled at the oldest.
Or uh... previous oldest.

"Yeah?" Tommy asked.
Phil placed a finger to his lips and Tommy nodded.

"Hey dad, do you know where we could get some flowers? Like real, non-picked ones," Grian offered.
"I don't, sorry," Phil replied.
"Tubbo has started a small garden! Right next to my farm! Have you seen it! Tubbo's so cool!" Tommy announced.

"Really? Well, I guess we'll have to go see it today, won't we?" Phil offered and Tommy grinned.


"Holy Mother of the Sweetest of Children what is this?!" Grian asked gaping up at the floating island and houses.
"Welcome to our home!" Phil welcomed and Tommy immediately grabbed Joe's arm and dragged him away from Grian.

He pulled him to a small island that contained a patched-up with different wood treehouse, a garden, and a tiny farm.
Tommy pulled Joe to the 2 plant areas.
He pointed at the farm and began talking about what he had so far which didn't seem to be much. Then he pointed at the garden and began trying to decipher which plant was which. Being a Bee Joe knew all of these, still he gawked and gasped as he guessed each plant.

"Actually, Tommy, that's what's called a Spider Lily, it only blooms after the first good rain of the fall," a short green shulk commented slipping between Tommy and Joe.
If looks could kill, Joe is certain that he'd have dropped dead right then and there 2× over. The boy seemed completely oblivious to the Shulk's possessiveness.

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