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"Uuuugh, do we have to?" Luke whined slumping against Stampy who led their shared horse.
Dan chuckled from his horse shared with Bitzel who was holding onto the older's middle like his life was in danger.

Though to be fair to him, Deo was mean and told him if he fell off he could get kicked and a horse's kick was fatal.

Meanwhile, Deo was fast asleep against Sparklez's back. His arms were loosely wrapped around the older man's middle, luckily the Shulk didn't seem to mind at all.

"Would you rather walk the 12 miles?" Dan teased.
Luke groaned, his grip tightening slightly on Stampy's shirt. Or whatever it was.
He doesn't know how you'd properly describe it. It was leather and it's the kind of thing you'd imagine someone stranded on an island or in the stone age to wear.

"Mreooow!" SnowBank teased, poking out from his spot in Sparklez's bag.
Luke frowned at the white fluffball and sighed.
"You're lucky you're making Deo less stressed else I'd kick you off that horse and leave you there," Luke grumbled.
"Hey!" Bitzel yelped straightening up on his horse.

Luke huffed. He'd never do it. The kitty has helped all three of them through the stress of trying to find Tommy, but she can be a bit of a b*tch sometimes. Ya know?

Any kitten threats were forgotten as Deo let out a concerning, gurgled cough.
"Ope looks like he's slept long enough," Jordan announced pulling the reigns of his horse to stop it.

The other 2 adults followed his lead.
"Deo, Deo!" Jordan gently shook the oldest of the teens awake.
He, in turn, did not wake up gracefully.

Instead, he woke up in a fit of coughs and slipped off the back of the horse.
Bitzel immediately freaked out and stumbled off of Dan's horse.
He rushed to Deo, blocking his body from the back of the horse in mild fear.
Deo chuckled and brought a hand drowsily up to block out the sun above him.

"Maybe we could walk for a little bit?" Luke offered.
Dan chuckled and slipped easily off his horse, changing the direction of the reigns so it would follow him instead and the others followed suit.

"Come on kiddos," Stampy encouraged a soft kind smile on his face.
It took a minute but eventually, Deo was up and once more they were on their journey.


"Noooooooo! Ehzumza! I'm gonna turn to mush if this keeps up!" Jevin whined.
Xisuma chuckled as he looked back at Jevin and Beef.

Beef's feet were raw and red but he hadn't complained once. They might even be bleeding but he was stubborn so the likelihood that he'd show them was low.
Jevin on the other hand was half leaning on the Merling, his slime gooping off him dramatically.

It's not that Xisuma didn't feel bad for having them walk this far. But they needed to get to a swamp and shrunken Jevin and loopy Kevin weren't doing them any favors in finding the d*mn thing. Beef was the only one giving directions and it'd be pretty stupid not to take him with when that's the case.

"S'not 'hat bad!" Kevin insisted pulling at his twin and then staring blankly at the spot where both of their slime glooped together making an odd bluish green.

"Oh no, we've become aquamar'ne," Kevin deadpanned which, of course, resulted in Jevin bursting into sobs.
"Oh no," Hels huffed.
Exavior snickered and tried peaking Kevin off of Jevin.
"Nooooo!" Sobbing Jevin cried out pulling his older brother into a hug.
Which, you know, turned them, even more, aquamarine which made the younger sob even more.

"Thank goodness we're not that clingy," Exavior snickered whipping off Kevin's slime from his arms.
"Eeeeeeh," the Knite twins and Beef disagreed.
"WHA-?!" The Void twins shrieked.

Together We Can, Alone We Will [Origins SMP/Modded SMP]Where stories live. Discover now