Dress Up? No Techno, It's Called Decora, Duh. Now Go Play True Crime

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"Wil?" Techno huffed.
The sun left the underside of Wil's yellow parasol a bright golden color.
Beside him holding her breath was Niki.

"Just trust me! Come on!" Wilbur encouraged dragging them closer to the village.
What was this b*tch 'bout to do?


Techno had to squint to be in this store. It was that f*cking bright. Not to mention, it was f*cking colorful as sh*t!

Good thing about it?
They had a giant tank for Merlings and very inclusive.
"Greetings! I'm Lizzie!" The woman manning the place greeted from the gigantic tank.
Her blue and pink tail glittered in the light, decorative fins splayed out around her; a beta fish, pink hair danced around her head and shoulders, and she was littered with accessories galore. She waved for Niki to come join her in the tank and Niki gladly did so, happy to be out of the air.

"Oh! Welcome!" Another, much shorter, woman greeted.
This one had short black hair with a multitude of purple bows tying it up. She had folded up black, purple, and teal hummingbird wings on her back draped in LED lights, none seemingly on. She was also covered in decorations.

"Hi! We're here for makeovers! For fun," Wilbur tacked on the end bit awkwardly.
"Of course, when is it never fun!" The woman chuckled and waved them further into the shop.

"Feel free to go wild! If you need anything I'll be around to help!" The woman, her name tag labeled her as 'Aphmau', chirped.
"Will do!" And Techno was dragged further into the store.


"Oooo! Niki! That looks great!" Wilbur praised.
Niki was dressed in a bright pink dress. It had big poofy shoulders and went down to her knees. It was covered in layers and layers of frill.
She looked incredibly happy in it.
Way more than usual...

Niki let out a squeelish giggle and spun around in the tank.
"You think so?" She asked.
"H*ll yeah! Do you want it? Wanna try another one?" Wilbur rumbled on and on.

This was getting boring.
Techno found himself wandering off, gazing boredly at all the nick nacks the store was selling. Huh... could he get something for each of his new f-

Techno spun around as something clattered to the ground behind him. The woman, Aphmau, had accidentally tripped over a, thankfully, empty rack while trying to avoid hitting Techno with her wings.

Techno pursed his lips and held a hand out to the woman.
She huffed before smiling up at him. She took the hand and let Techno pull her up.
Oh, holy sh*t! She barely even makes it up to his shoulders!

"Sorry if I startled you," she apologized.
"Sorry for being in your way," Techno grunted.
"Oh no! You weren't! I just-" the woman began he hands frantically waving to try and make her point.

"Not your fault you have 2 8ft wings on your back," Techno assured.
She gave a soft airy laugh.
"Need any help?" She offered.

Techno gave his best smile(which, considering she isn't family, is a miracle) and pulled the rack up from the ground with surprising strength.
Also, it was surprisingly heavy for supposedly being an empty wooden rack.

"What's the most chaotic thing you can give me?" Techno asked.
The woman grinned.

Oh, sh*t. What has he done?


You know what?
Techno regrets nothing.

Ok, well the bandaid was a little uncomfortable but it was both adorable and helped his nose from being pinched from the teeth mask he was given.

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