Falling Into Your Ocean Eyes

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It was cold today.

That was probably the first thing that she noticed. It was cold and kind of sluggish. The world around her was slow. The tides still and the world muffled.

He came out of nowhere. Ice fractals clung to his cheeks and eyelashes. His brown hair danced around his head like an off-colored halo. His beard made it look like it swallowed him whole. The tips of his hair were coated in a layer of unmelting snow. Even though he lived in the jungle rivers.

"Niki!" Wilbur's voice called, thick and barely audible.
The girl poked up out of the water and stared at the brunette at the edge of her pond.
"I have an idea!" He announced holding up a bottle.


"Looking into your Ocean eyes, your ocean eeeeeeyes~" Wilbur sang while careful hands carded through Niki's hair.
"Hmmm..." Wilbur grumbled his eyes darting between Niki, Techno, and his guitar.

"It's missing something..." He huffed.
"Try putting the lul on the first Ocean eyes instead of the second," Niki offered, pulling the odd mask with a tube back up to her face.
The tube was sitting in a cauldron full of water allowing her to breathe.
Though they will have to refill it soon.

"Looking into your ocean eyeyeyes, your ocean eyes," Wilbur tried again.
"Ooo! Ok..." Wilbur purred and wrote it down.

"How many beats though?" He murmured to himself.
"Niki?" Techno grunted.
Niki looked back to Techno.
"You need to wait about 30 minutes. I'll set the timer and refill your couldren. Do you need anything? Food?" Techno droned.
"Uh, a snack would be nice!" Niki replied.
Techno nodded and handed her the set timer.

"I'll be right back," Techno assured.


"I've been waaatching you
For some time
Can't help staring at those ocean eyes," Wilbur sang his fingers dancing across the strings of his guitar.

"Are we hiding this?" Niki asked, her eyes pinned on Wilbur but most likely asking Techno.
"I didn't think we were, but do you want to?" Techno replied.
Niki just hummed in response.


"Burning cities
Falling skies
Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes."
"Falling skies?" Niki asked.
Wilbur let out a soft grunt and slid an old old book her way.

"I'm trying to get across a fiery almost dangerous personality. And I mean.... If the sky's falling down around you..?" Wilbur offered.
He didn't seem very confident in his answer.

"That feels more like a mental crisis?" Niki offered with a small chuckle.


"No faaaaaAaAaAaiiiir~
You really know how to make me cryyYy
When you give me those ocean eyes
I'm scaaaaaaAaAaAared
I've never fallen from quite this hiiigh
Falling into those ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes," the water of the lake almost seemed to echo Wilbur's words.
You know, if his singing wasn't naturally very echoey and soft.

"I've been waaaalking through
A world so blind
Can't stop thiiiinking of your diamond mind
Careful creatures
Friends with time
Left me lonely with that diamond mind
Those ocean eyes."

Niki clapped after the silence lasted just a bit too long.
"Sorry, I don't know what I should do next with it," Wilbur chuckled.
Perfect place for that chorus of yours," Niki chuckled.
Wilbur blushed and his eyes darted down to his guitar.
"I guess..."


"Ok, keep in mind, I'm not a singer," Techno reminded Wilbur.
Wilbur chuckled as Techno gave Wilbur's notepad back to him.
Wilbur picked the paper up and scanned over the lyrics Techno had suggested.

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