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Phil woke up around 5 am, his mind processing only 2 things.
The rain had stopped, leaving the area eerily quiet, and he couldn't hear the young boy's breathing.
Even after steadying his breath and blocking it out to listen to the boy's he couldn't hear it.

He shot up to look for the boy, expecting, hoping even, for him not to be in the cave anymore. Instead, he found him lying motionless on the cave floor, his face slowly turning shades of red and blue and his chest unmoving with his lungs.

Sh*t! Phil shot up and rushed to the boy.
He checked his pulse. His heart, if not slow, was beating but he wasn't breathing.
Phil situated himself just barely over the boy and began CPR.

Staying alive
Stayin alive


"Oh come on kid, wake up!" Phil pleaded, trying not to get frustrated. He was just glad that he was there when his teachers taught CPR back in the Nest's version of high school. Even if it was quite a while ago.

Phil only stopped when Tommy let out a wheezing cough before he rolled onto his side. He clutched his surely bruised ribs in slight agony but was more grateful for the air washing into his lungs with mercy. It felt like when you haven't drank anything in a while and your throat is sore and you pour nice cool water down it. It filled his body and he greedily allowed it to.

Tommy glanced over his shoulder and it became evidently clear if it hadn't been before; if Tommy had attempted that alone he would be dead.
This b*tch saved his life.

That's probably the only reason why Tommy allowed himself to break under his soft caring gaze. If it had been anyone else he wouldn't have. But he couldn't help himself.
He burst into tears and crawled into his lap, startling the adult. He wasn't as good as W̶e̶l̶s̶ was but he'll take what he can get. 

Still, Phil took kindly to the scared teenager and carefully rubbed his back, pressing his chin into the top of his head as he sobbed.
"Shhh, it's ok," Phil assured, trying not to seem too awkward with a child who almost died as he curled up in his arms.

Tommy was still gasping desperately for air as he clung like a koala to the man.
"Does this happen a lot?" Phil asked.
Tommy paused, "kinda.. I mean, I was warned it could."

"Do you need anything to make sure it doesn't?" Phil asked slightly protectively.
"Be up high," Tommy said sarcastically with an airy chuckle.

Phil blinked and raked his hand through Tommy's hair.
Tommy hummed, a sound from the back of his throat came out sounding somewhat like a chicken.
What was he?

"Hey Tommy, what are you?" Phil asked cautiously.
"Why the f*ck does it matter?" Tommy retorted.

Phil hummed softly, "it's just a question mate."
Tommy grumbled before finally replying, "I'm an Avian."
Phil jolted looking at the kid to see if he was kidding or not.
This startled the boy and he raised an eyebrow at the shocked adult.

"What?" Tommy asked.
"An Avian? Aren't those extinct?!" Phil asked stiffly.
"Uh- ok, where are you going?" Phil asked, stammering over his tongue.
"Dunno," Tommy replied.

"Why are you alone?" Phil asked.
Tommy shrugged and climbed up out of Phil's lap, his knees still shaking.
Phil's hands moved frantically, as if unsure quite what to do with them. They ended at his sides, bunching up the material of his kimono.

"What does it f*cking matter?" Tommy asked with a grumble.
"You almost died.." Phil commented quietly.
"Maybe that'd be better than whatever the f*ck I'm supposed to do," Tommy scoffed.

Together We Can, Alone We Will [Origins SMP/Modded SMP]Where stories live. Discover now