Food in Rain

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"We need food," Tubbo whispered.
Ranboo's eyed the mouth of the cave where all the adults sat.
"Are you low?" Ranboo asked cautiously.
Tubbo nodded.

He hated being low on anything. If he was low on something they might end up needing it.
And he hated letting things he might need go.

So far, it has proven useful.
"Uh, ok, ok. We could-" Ranboo stammered.
"Oh, nuh-uh!" Tommy snapped startling the duo.

"Come on big man! You know better than that! You're allergic to water and it's raining, you're staying in here. Whether you like it or not," Tommy scolded, though it sounded far more spiteful than it probably was supposed to.
Ranboo winced and Tommy got up.
"It's my f*cking group, my f*cking problem, I swear if anyone else gets f*cking hurt because of me I'm done, I'm going home-" Tommy grumbled sifting through some things.

"Tommy?" Tubbo asked.
Tommy pulled his slightly still damp shirt on over his red patagium. Didn't matter anyway, he was about to go back into the rain anyway.
"Tommy, I'll come with you!" Tubbo hopped up.

Tommy smiled at him but placed a hand on the smaller's shoulder.
"Listen Tubbo, Tubs, Big T, my man, I need you to protect Ranboo for us," Tommy instructed sternly.
Tubbo looked down at the confused and slightly offended Enderling.
Uh excuse you, Ranboo is a prince and he'd like to be treated as such!

"Tubbo, Tubbo, look at me," Tommy instructed.
Tubbo looked at Tommy.
"Now look at him," Tommy instructed.
Tubbo looked at Ranboo who was still covered in small burns from the day before.

"Does he look like the kind of guy who could make it on his own?" Tommy asked.
"No," Tubbo replied bluntly.
This inherited a soft scoff from the middle child of the three. Probably because he's been "making it on his own" for 5 years now compared to Tommy's 2 months and a half.

"Exactly! So you gotta protect him, ok? Or he could die!" Tommy insisted.
"I promise I'll protect him!" Tubbo assured saluting the youngest.
Tommy grinned.
"But you have to promise me you'll come back in one piece," Tubbo countered, a shadow cast over his eyes as he glared at the youngest through his hair and eyelashes.

It was f*cking terrifying.

"I- uh- I swear on it big man! I'll come back in one piece!" Tommy assured and Tubbo lit back up again.
"Ok! Here-" Tubbo unstrapped one of his shulker hip bags and handed it to him.
It was small, able to fit within 2 of Tommy's palms compared to his own.

Tommy studied the purple bag and clipped it beside his own bag on his belt.
Tommy patted both Ranboo and Tubbo on the heads as if they were some kind of pet that would patiently wait for him till he came back.
In all fairness, they probably would.

Tommy nodded at them and walked to the front of the cave.


Phil's wings would not get a break today, that was clear.
They were starting to get numb and he was sure they would need a good preening.

After nearly 30 minutes of comfortable atmosphere in the most uncomfortable position, the soft pads of feet came up behind them.

Phil turned his head to see the youngest smothering the water out of his baseball-T.
"Tommy," he greeted.
Tommy walked right past him.

"Hey! Toms, where are you going?" Phil asked suddenly worried for the shoeless boy who, in the 2 months he's been away from home, has only been on his own for 4 hours.

"Food," was the boy's only response.
"You can't go alone!" Phil protested.
Tommy stopped and spun around to look at him.
"Says who?" He challenged.
Phil shifted earning a soft groan from Wilbur.

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