Favorite Pass Time: Cursing Out Ruins | pt 2

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It's not like Grian didn't want to see the Hermits, his family. But...
"Yeah, he had 2 kids with him."
"Yeah, 2 boys. One looks just like him, bet he was one of those kids he always mentions!"
"Philza's certainly an odd one."

"Excuse me?" Grian stepped up to their group.
"Oh my g*d, Grian! Hi!" One greeted.
"Oh, hello!" Another squealed.

The pesky bird sitting on his shoulder let out a squawk before repeating out, "ooooh hello!"
The group squealed at the parrot. That's going to be annoying later.

"I heard you talking about Philza?" Grian asked with a cheeky grin.
"Yeah! He was here, what, 2 months ago?" A woman in the group replied with a mirroring smile.

"Is that so, do you happen to know where he went?" Grian asked reaching up and letting his pesky bird onto his finger.
"Last I heard he was in St Charles!" One offered.
"Yeah, I think that's where he's last been spotted. He's been there for quite a while too. He usually never stays in the same place for over 2 weeks!" Another agreed.

"Is that so, do you know where I could get a map with directions to St.Charles?" Grian asked.

"Sorry, I don't," a few replied.
No no no!
A woman shifted through her bag and handed him a small map with the surrounding 5 cities, plus the towns in between. She circled a small town just off a shoreline of a river and smiled up at him.

"This is a kinda outdated map, but that should still be where St.Charles is," the woman told him.
Grian let out an excited chirp and instinctively he hugged the shorter brown-haired woman.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Grian chirped and tweeted.
She definitely didn't understand what he just said as he pulled away, jogged at least 10 feet away, and launched himself in the sky, map held tightly in hand.

Finally. Finally.


"You ok?" BDubs asked snapping Tango out of his tear-filled daydream.
He wiped at the tears causing a hiss from the contact on his arm.
"Yeah sorry," Tango replied easily.
BDubs smiled and then handed him a piece of cloth.

"Wipe your tears on that, I'll go get you a cream," BDubs ordered and then left before Tango could protest.

Tango sighed and carefully wiped the spicy liquid from his cheeks.
Tango sighed and looked up at the sky.
Once more he found himself closing his eyes and daydreaming.

This family would have loved Zedaph and Impulse, and they would have easily loved them back. What would have happened if Tango had gotten the gem initially instead, what if he hadn't touched Impulse's gem when he was 14. Had he been 14? He was sure he had been but honestly, he can't remember. Was it 15? Didn't he just get his 3rd BlazeRod a few days before? Or was it a few days after?

How would Jack like the group? If he hadn't been stolen from Tango maybe he would know. He really hopes the baby's ok. He should have protected him more. He shouldn't have let that stupid a-
"I'm back!" BDubs announced Tango opened his eyes too quickly, blood slipped from his eyelid and BDubs cringed.

"Oh, oh no, I'm so sorry Tek!" BDubs stammered clenching the small jar tightly.
Tango huffed. The pain rushing through his head causing a major headache. Just another reason he deserved this.

"It's fine. It'll heal in 30 seconds max," Tango assured wiping at the blood and tears with the cloth BDubs had given him.
BDubs sighed and sat down beside him, his tail flicking cautiously.

His fingers dug into the cream and he slathers a stripe on Tango's cheek.
"We're family, it's our job to worry and heal each other," BDubs hummed
The Feline gently massaged the cream into the older's cheeks.

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