Stranger Danger

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"Castaways, we are castaways!" Luke murmured climbing over a log.
"I swear to g*d if you trip and fall I'm not even going to try and catch you!" Bitzel threatened.
Luke just laughed.

"Deo, can you belie- DEO!" Bitzel shrieked as the oldest launched himself over the log as well.
"Oh, com'on Bitz! Live a little!" Deo teased.

Bitzel grumbled and walked around the log, much to the other boys' disappointment.
"Boooo! Bitzel!" Deo whined.
"Get a life!" Luke teased.
"G*d, I hate you 2," Bitzel grumbled.

Bitzel flipped his hood up as the wind blew around him. A storm had been brewing.
"Please hurry!" Bitzel whined.
"Just give me a minute!" Deo shot back.
Luke shivered and pulled his legs further into his short patagium. The wind blew his pages and he grumbled as he had to find the page he had been drawing on again.

Bitzel huffed.
"Hey, where are you going?" Luke asked as Bitzel walked off.

The lake Bitzel ended up at was small. It wasn't very.... Noticeable I guess?
Just a random lake in the middle of nowhere. That always seemed to be the case.
Sometimes Bitzel would see a field and think, why wasn't any of this used as farmland?
This was one of the places where you wouldn't be thinking that. This was one of the places where you'd think someone would come to fish for half an hour, not catch anything, then return home.

Too murky to be used as a place to swim in either.
The winds thrashing it about didn't help either.

Still, it was an oddly calming sight. Even as the wind pushed the water over the edge of the pond at times. Even as the trees were yanked on.
It was calming.

An odd sense of composure.

Bitzel brushed a hand over a large bush. Then, making a weird revelation, he got down on his hands and knees and crawled into the hollow bush. Inside he was met with green or maybe teal marble shards covered in purple dust and a single odd purple stem. To a plant probably but he had no idea what type of plant.

He hummed and crawled out, accidentally getting his patagium caught on the branches.

Once finally out he noticed a familiar red and white sneaker.
Bitzel walked across the murky, muddy, goopy land and carefully picked it up.

Bitzel carefully pulled the tab of the sneaker up. Sure enough, on the underside of the tab were the familiar black and purple duel rings Tommy lovingly doodled on everything. But he usually did 2?

And there were 2 shoes....
So if he was holding, what Tommy lovingly dubbed, Mellohi where was Cat?

Bitzel frantically looked around for the second pair of shoes. Cold, wet, the bottoms starting to come off, eroded, red and white shoes.

He found it. Floating dangerously in the pond.


"Bitzel!" Bitzel could hear Deo shout.
He had to find him though. Had to know.
He dropped the second shoe away from the water's edge, so it wouldn't be swept up, and he dove into the pond.

F*ck properly knowing how to swim!
F*ck his patagium obstructing his ability to go up!
F*ck his patagium weighing him down!

He had to know!


He pushed forward.
G*d, why was such a small pond so f*cking deep?!


Bitzel reached out, grabbing the shoe.
Then he was dragged under.

He couldn't hear it anymore.

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