Are You Sure You're a Minister?

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Schlatt grunted as he bent backward over a wooden beam, dangling over his boring little "church".
1 pair of arms dangled over his head with him, another held him up, the last pair had 1 holding his feet steady and another holding the beam.

Tik, tik, tik, tik..

The front doors pried open and a young Phantom man rushed in, his skin a worrying red.
"Why the h*ll can't I faze into here?!" The man asked and Schlatt grinned.
He pulled himself up and scurried off the beam and into the backroom.
Maybe startling the man a few times as he did so.


Wilbur was in pain. He was burned by the sun, his feet hurt, his left hand was aching, his head hurt, he really just wanted to lay down.
And this weird building wasn't really helping.

At least it protected him from the sun.

Wilbur let out a yelp as something knocked over. Then spun to find something that wasn't there as something fell. It sounded like a person jumping.

"Hello?" Wilbur carefully called out.
Please don't be an assassin.
Or a murderer. Or a kidnapper. Or some kind of horror movie monster.
There were reasonable answers to this. Surely.

Was he hearing spooky ambiance music?
This isn't a movie.
Or video game.


"Why hello there!" Someone announced their presence.
Wilbur screamed and dropped through the floor.
"Oh my!" The human chuckled as Wil poked back up.

"Startled ya, did I? My bad, my bad. I, am Fragrance Man!" The human announced his robes almost danced around him at the mention of his name.

Wilbur pulled himself out and stared at the man.
"I sell fragrances! Any, any time! They just got to be in my repertoire!" Mr. Fragrance Man announced.
Ah, a salesman.

"Uh, sorry. Not here to buy things-" Wilbur stammered, Techie was usually the one to deal with Humans...
Why does he have to be so far away!

"Ah, so you're here so I can steal your fragrance then!" Fragrance Man gasped.

The man rushed forward and pulled Wilbur along.
"Come, come! I'll show you to the Frangrance extraction room!" He announced.

Wilbur immediately freaked out.
He was a horror movie murderer! He was going to die! He was going to die!!

"Uh, n-no sir. I prefer not-" Wilbur stammered.
Wil was dragged into a back room. Sauna maybe?

"I can tell you'd sell for a lot! You're handsome too! Here let me get a picture for the branding!" The man announced, the door locking behind him.

Holy sh*t! Holy sh*t!

Faze, Wilbur, faze!

"Why can't I faze!" Wilbur shrieked.
He wanted his brother back!
He wanted to go home!
Is he hyperventilating?! No wait, stop doing that!

No weakness.
No weakness.
Why are you crying?!
The door opened and the man rushed in.
He quickly pulled the man into a hug whispering softly.

"I am so sorry. I didn't realize you'd be so scared, I'm sorry," the man apologized, leading Wilbur back out and onto one of the comfy benches.

He wiped his tears with a cloth.

Schlatt messed up this time.
He really messed up this time!

Schlatt ran a hand through the scared man's hair. He looked so much younger here.
How old even was he?

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