What Next? |Author's Note [Will be unpublished once decision is made]

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[Will most likely be unpublished once decision is made]

What would you like to see?
What would you like to know?

Main path:
Ranboo's Birthday - Time skip, the main cast celebrate Ranboo's birthday.
The Barge - Jack comes up with the idea of making a place for all Origins, the family helps the kiddo out.

Business Bay Boys:
Something Odd - Deo's suspicious about Dan and Sparklez while Luke and Bitzel are just along for the ride.
The Cat's Trust - the Bay Boys meet a certain orange feline and Bitzel convinces Deo he needs to calm down and relax.

The Hermits:
The World Better be in Danger! - The Hermits are a bit pissy they had to leave home again after so long but they're a bit less pissy when they find out the cause of it.
I Did Not Come Here to be Bullied By Ruins! - The Hermits return to the Ruins to figure out why exactly the Darkness is back.

What path do you want to see?

(Because honestly, I can't decide which one I want to do yet)
Choose wisely.

Or don't.
It's really your choice.

G'Day, my siblings!
Don't die.

[Update: Everyone seems very confused about what exactly your supposed to be voting on.
You're voting on the chunks "Main path", "Business Bay Boys", and " Hermits" And the list of 2 things will be what will be in that path.
If there is one in a path you prefer I do, one you prefer I don't do, or one you prefer I skim over, please mention the chapter name (the bold letters) and what you'd like done with it.

I'm sorry for the confusion.]

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