Get Together to Get Bullied By Ruins: My Favorite Activity

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"Lord Tango!" A guard announced his presence.
Tango looked up from the woman who sat on his throne's armrest.
"Purpose?" Tango asked with a scoff.
"You have a visitor?" The guard informed me though it was more like a question.

Tango scoffed and sat up.
A visitor? Seriously?
"If it isn't someone returning that thief to me, I don't want to see them," Tango growled.

"N-no sir-" the guard stammered.
"Then I. Don't want. To see them."
A darkness that the Nether could never seem to have enveloped the room, only lit up by Tango himself.

The guard gulped.
"Sir, he's- he's an outsider," the man explained shakily.

Tango straightened out more.
There were 2 ways someone could be an outsider. Either they didn't live in the kingdom, or they didn't live in the Nether.

"A Blazeborn?" Tango asked.
"No, sir," The guard explained.
As much as Tango would have loved to see Zedaph again, he was glad it was someone else. He probably couldn't handle that screaming match.

"Bring him in. You," he ordered then turned to the woman, "out."
She scurried out and not a moment too soon because she passed the Overworlder that came in after her.

He was tall, and thin, with pitch-black skin and black hair.
Warped forest kind of guy.
He almost immediately recognized the lettering on his shawl. The one that wrapped around his neck.


He always thought it was cool how long the EnderShawls could get.
Tango stood up as Mumbo made his way inside, the gentleman he was.

"Mumbo! Hi, bud! I thought for sure Doc would have come to see me instead!" Tango teased.
"He was already with Ren," Mumbo replied.
Tango furrowed his brow.

It's that bad?
Tango scoffed and met the tall boi halfway, pulling him into a hug.
"Well, it's good seeing you! Do you need anything?" Tango chirped.

"You need to come home," Mumbo informed, his fingers clasping around his shirt.
How they were always oversized, Tango's got no clue.

"I can't," Tango replied with a shrug.
"You have to!" Mumbo insisted.
"This place would go to sh*t without me," Tango hummed, moving back to his throne.
"Oh yeah, like you're doing anything here!" Mumbo growled, a familiar Enderman growl.

Tango snarled. Of course.
Flames shot out at the younger.
It didn't matter, he knew it didn't matter, Mumbo was in front of him seconds anyways.

"Tango, this is serious!" Mumbo snapped.
"Yeah ri-" Tango scoffed.
Mumbo grabbed his arm and pressed his other hand to Tango's face.
So close to his eye.

G*d it hurt. Please don't touch it. Please don't touch it. Please don't touch it!
"We have to go home."
"I am home," Tango shot back, still as a statue.

"I will kidnap you," Mumbo threatened.
Even with Mumbo, that was never an empty threat.
Tango sighed.
"Fine. I'll come. But I have duties here, Mumbo. At least let me figure them out first," Tango grumbled.

Mumbo let go, his hands clasped behind his back and a soft smile on his face.
"I'll give you a week, hopefully you'll get it all done by then?" Mumbo offered with a careful smile.

Bloody Spoon.


"How are we supposed to get to Beef?" Xisuma asked.
"Could we lure him out?" Jevin offered.
It wasn't a bad idea but...

"No, he hasn't been coming to the surface at all recently," Etho huffed, clearly disappointed his boyfriend wasn't visiting.
"Can't you just call him?" Jevin scoffed.

Together We Can, Alone We Will [Origins SMP/Modded SMP]Where stories live. Discover now