Happy Birthday Tubbo, Please Wake Up

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A young boy stood over the body of another boy.
"What did you do?" He asked not looking back to look at the shaking child behind him.
He was cradling his face, red dripping from his eye.

"Bubba, I'm sorry!" The injured boy cried, 2 gold necklaces clacked together as he hunched in on himself.
Finally, the first boy looked back.
"What happened?!" He asked.
It wasn't accusatory, their kind died all the time. Besides, the youngest was injured too, he needed to keep a cool head.

"I didn't mean to! We were just playing!" The youngest sobbed.
Playing was a liability, it always has been. Always will be.
"You know you can't be doing that out here!" The first boy sighed.
Now they were going to have to bury their brother. The boy's eyes returned to the still body of the oldest. He'd be one with the soul sand in a few years. It's a life they're all fated to, he supposed.

"I didn't mean to kill him! I'm sorry!" The youngest sobbed.
By the time the boy had looked up the youngest had bolted.

"I didn't mean to kill him" rang in the boy's ears.
He still has no idea what happened.
Why wouldn't he tell him? What had he done to their older brother?!


Niki's eyes opened slowly. Her surroundings were warm. Hot even. Yet she couldn't figure out why. The area around her felt odd. Different.

"Do you like the warmth, Niki?" Jack's voice echoed in her mind.
It had been so long since they talked like this, she had almost flinched at the sudden noise.
"Feels weird," Niki commented.

"Phil says we can turn the heat off at any time, even you could do it apparently! It's just outside the tub. Though I'm not quite sure where it is," Jack assured.
Niki let out a soft hum. She felt oddly tired. Like she had been covered in a warm fuzzy blanket while it was raining outside.

"You look rather tired," Jack commented.
"You can see me?" Niki asked, opening her eyes once more.
When had she closed them?
Jack snickered.

"Up!" Jack informed.
Niki pushed herself up till she was sitting on the bench of the hottest and not her nest. Then she peered up to the rafters. Sure enough, Jack was peering out from a particularly low rafter, his red and teal new pants and undershirt making him more visible and clearly more comfortable than he otherwise would have been.

Jack waved lamely down at her.
"You look tired too," Niki teased.
Jack snickered and he disappeared from view, lying parallel with the rafter instead of perpendicular.

"I am," Jack confirmed.
"Well, I am too," Niki hummed back.
"Just one of those days I guess," Jack yawned.
"I'm actually up here with Fragrance Man," Jack commented idly, "how the f*ck he got up here, I have no idea."

"What the f*ck, guys. It's like, 2 pm!" Tommy scoffed.
"Heh?" Jack huffed.
"2- what?" Niki asked startled.
"You 2 are so lame! I f*cking hate you! And Ranboo! And that stupid, adorable little sh*t of a new son if his, and f*cking Tubbo!" Tommy grumbled and once more he dipped out of the conversation.
"What was that?" Niki asked.
"No idea, he sounded really upset though," Jack replied.

Niki sank back under the water and back into her little nest. That was so weird.


A young man leaned against the wall, right near the entrance of a room. He fixed his blond hair and fiddled with a small golden anklet.
Finally, after building up enough courage he turned and walked into the room.

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