Heh. Suffer

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A boy, 23 years of age, stood at the edge of a fountain. His multitude of tails flicked behind him, a basket was held loosely in his arms as he peered down at his reflection.

"Hello," a man, older and far taller, greeted the boy.
The boy looked up, his eyes glowing unnaturally. Or maybe it was just the reflection from the fountain.
The man's eyes glowed just the same, except his were more purple.

"Hi," the boy greeted back, his tails puffed up defensively no matter how much Cool Boy Vibes™ he was projecting.
The man's eyes landed on the boy's stomach where a hexagonal honey orange crystal resided embedded deep within.

The man silently held up his hand where an electric purple crystal was embedded in the back, disguised with a glove. The boy's heart skipped a beat. He didn't think there was anyone else like him!

The man smiled.
"I'm Doc," the man introduced.
The boy took his outplayed hand, "Ren!"

They sat by the fountain for hours just talking. Doc on the ground beside the fountain so he wouldn't get wet, Ren on the wall of the fountain, his tails wagging excitedly.


A woman entered a bedroom. It was empty. As it usually was nowadays. Cans still splayed out around the room. It still stunk of teenager.

He curled up in the twin-sized bed. 'He'll be back soon,' she kept reassuring herself.
But still, 'He's replaced you. Found a family that actually treats him right. I hope you know that. You were easily replaced,' still echoed in her mind.

The brunet had been lying through his teeth. Clem had seen right through it. Her husband, however, had not. He hasn't looked at her since. Apparently, there was some logic to him in the man's words.
Not his. Yeah right.
I suppose, he hadn't met her mother, had he?

You see, her mother had a red patagium but her father had a black patagium. The only color that overpowers red. So of course her child would have Red or Black. And she told him this. Over and over....

He never listens.
It was never a problem. Not really.
She's doing it again....
D*mn it.


"Dave?" A small voice asked.
The older boy groaned and looked down from his spot on the rock. His little sister stared up at him intently.

"Yes, Mari?" Dave asked.
The girl smiled up at him and began to try and climb the rock too.
Dave reached down to help her and settled her on his lap.

"Why did daddy leave?" Mari asked.
Dave gently carded his hands through her hair.
"I dunno marigold, I dunno," Dave responded.


"Hi!" A boy greeted, brown curly hair dangled as he stood upside down, halfway in the ceiling.
"Uh... hello?" The younger greeted.
The older male hels his hand out.

"I'm William!" The boy greeted.
"Dave," the younger responded.


Dave cried out in pain as William clenched his wound closed with his cut hand.
Come on, work! Work, work, work, g*d d*mn it!

"It's gonna be ok Dave! You're gonna be ok!" The older brunette assured. Tears streamed from the younger brunette's eyes as he tried his best to breathe.
Calm down!

"WIL!" Dave screamed his eyes flashed an unfamiliar red and his ears echoed with a thousand voices, all greeting him and each other as if it was their first time meeting each other.

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