Home At Last

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Tommy carried Smajor on his back for a while after the boat ride.

Jack and Tommy joked about Jack's 'Nether Accent' as Tommy called it.
Skipping over words and pronouncing things weirdly. Not to mention a lack of knowledge for simple things like leaves, and grass, and stone.

Then, as if on instinct, Tommy randomly began singing.
"Castaways, we are castaways!" Tommy hummed as he wobbled under the older.

"Here I can take him," Jack offered.
They shifted Smajor to the older of the two and continued on.

By the time the sun was setting again Smajor was waking up.
"I'm sorry, did you carry me the whole time?!" Smajor asked.
"Nah, Tommy carried you too, brother!" Jack joked.
Smajor cocked his head.
"Sorry, inside joke," Jack replied.

"Oh?" Smajor softly smiled at him.
Jack grinned and nodded.
"We had to lie to a boat rower-" Jack explained.
"Not what they're called!" Tommy cut in.
Jack continued, "that you were my Blazeborn brother! And Tommy was an insecure Elytrian!"

Smajor chuckled.
"Close enough, I'm a Starborne!" Smajor chuckled and Jack grinned.

For a while after that, they switched to joking about Smajor's accent, which he too gladly joined in on.

"Castaways, we are castaways," Tommy murmured.
Smajor cocked his head at him.

"Noooo, Luke, you've got it stuck in my head again!" Tommy whined.
Jack and Smajor just blinked at him.
Tommy turned and grinned at them.
"Sorry, it's a stupid song my Friend used to sing all the time whenever we were misbehaving and going out," Tommy explained with a soft hearty chuckle.

Smajor smiled. Jack laughed.
"How often did you misbehave back home?" Jack asked.
"Oh, all the time!" Tommy admitted.
"Really?" Smajor asked and Tommy nodded.

"Yeah! I'd usually be being myself and then someone, usually a teacher but sometimes the other kids, would get all b*tchy about it and Deo wouldn't be having none of that because I'm his friend and he has to stick up for his friends, ya know? Anyways, so he'd pull me out of class all angry and then he'd storm into Bitzel and Luke's classes and drag them out too and the teachers would yell at him and he'd just flip them off. And then we'd go to the cherry tree patch and we'd climb the trees because they wouldn't be blooming yet, and we'd do our homework and we'd jump off the trees to see how far we could go and we'd race back to the tree. But Luke couldn't continue doing it after he turned 11 because he grew but his waist parachute didn't so he couldn't protect himself. He's real strong like he could probably pick up a tree no problem, but Bitzel says he's vulnerable so he's very overprotective of him. Deo finds it kind of funny. Luke luckily doesn't seem to mind though," Tommy rambled.

"What's Deo like?" Smajor indulged, ducking under some branches.
"Deo? Oh, he's great!" Tommy began.

"He's really, really cool! He likes Christmas a lot, wears the Santa hat a ton just for the fun of it. He's super chill and I like to tease him about being a carrot because he likes to wear orange a lot. And like, he does this thing where he like- ya know," Tommy waved his hands around trying to describe something but they had no idea quite what it was he was talking about.
"And he wears these glasses, uh... Shades! He wears shades and they make him look really cool. I think it's because he has a bad reaction to the shift between lighting. Like when you go inside and it's dark and then outside is really bright? Yeah, he's sensitive to that. I dunno what it's called though," Tommy explained jumping in a puddle, Jack screeched as he tried avoiding the spicy liquid and Tommy laughed.

"He's the best, I love him- all of them so much! You guys should meet them! You'd like them too!" Tommy announced spinning.
Acting like the child he was. It was actually pretty reassuring.

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