Serious Buisness Bay Boys

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Bitzel let out a yelp as his front door burst open violently.
"BOYS! WE GOT A SERIOUS BUSINESS TO SOLVE!" Luke yelled his foot returning to the ground after his
"He can kick!" Deo yelled a bit less enthusiastically from behind the youngest.

Bitzel snickered and stood up.
"No information on Toms?" Bitzel asked smoothing out his too-long patagium, which Tommy likes to call waist parachute.

"Nope! Which is why we're investigating!" Luke squealed rushing over.
Somehow, he was the fastest in their group.

"Ok, but my parents are home," Bitzel chirped.
"Which is exactly why we're going to the treehouse!" Deo responded.
Bitz nodded and they left his house.

"Hey boys!" Mr.Knight chirped, one of the protectors of Aviary.
"Hi, Wels!" Bitz greeted.
"Have you seen Tommy recently?" Deo asked.
"I have not, have you asked his parents?" Wels asked.
The boys nodded and Wels hummed softly.

"Hmm, I'll make sure to keep an eye out," he assured, the look on his face was a tad concerning though.
It looked pained.
"Thank you, Wels!" Deo chirped and they continued forward, ignoring the look the guard gave them as they scurried up a long flight of stairs.


Wels sighed and glanced around. This was bad. Their population was scarce, at barely a hundred, yet it was dwindling every day. They couldn't afford to lose any of the children.
Expecially not someone so essential.
(Not just to the economy but to Wels too. Being as he's his brother and all.)

Wels flicked on his communicator. It was a bulky thing that made an awful noise but it did its job, especially with the giant space they live in.

"Sir?" Wels announced.
It took a moment but soon the leader of their land replied.
"Yes Sir Knight?"
"We need someone on the children. Just got a report that Tommy Innit has gone missing."
There was a scoff. Why do you hate him so much?

There was a pause where Wels could just about hear their leader cursing.
"Alright, I'll get someone on it right away," he assured and the line went dead.

Wels sighed. And that was his cue to start searching for him himself, because these guys weren't gonna do sh*t.


"Careful Luke!" Bitz called up after the youngest.
In turn, Luke pretended his foot slipped and Bitzel yelped as the youngest and oldest began laughing from above.

"G*d you guys are mean!" Bitz grumbled as Luke was pulled up into the treehouse.
"That's the point!" Luke replied as Bitzel climbed up from behind him.

Luke yelped as Bitz tackled him as he came to the top.
"Biiitzel! Get ooooooff!" Luke whined hitting his arm.
Deo laughed climbing up Tommy's ladder to his "secretest base of awesomeness, f*ck you!" Where he primarily just keeps a hundred notes tacked to the walls, a bunch of sugary drinks, primarily cola, and a bin for his trash and the occasional times he gets sick.

"Man, he must be going through a serious sugar withdrawal or something," Deo huffed picking up one of his many cans.
"Do you think he's homesick? I know if miss you guys too much if I was gone for a week!" Luke proclaimed.

Deo nodded.
"It feels wrong being up here," Bitzel admitted, being the last to step into Tommy's dome.
Deo gave Bitzel a look and pointed at the open area that easily shows Bitzel's own hidey-hole.
"Yeah, but this is his hidey-hole! It's different!" Bitzel insisted and the 2 other boys laughed.

"Hey, no it's cool, I get it. It does feel weird to be in the room of a friend who isn't even here," Deo dropped his arm, trying to reassure the younger.
Bitzel still seemed distraught.
Luke cracked a small smirk and began to whisper, "Castaways, we are castaways!"

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