What Am I To You?

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Smajor yawned as the sun bore at his face and back. It was unusual. The rain had yet to return, his umbrella sat idly at his side.

As did the boys' umbrellas and raincoat.
"You ok?" Jack asked.
"Oh, yeah. I'm nocturnal," Smajor answered with another tired yawn.

G*d, Jack really wished he knew what that meant.
Still, he squatted and held his hands back for him.
"Strider back ride?" He asked.

Smajor blinked before sighing and accepting the offer.
The older let the younger hoist him up off the ground and onto his back. He was surprisingly strong.

Although to be fair Smajor was on the lighter end of the human spectrum. Not his spectrum but for humans.
He's about 120lbs.

He wonders if Tommy is also naturally on the lighter side of things.
"Hey-" he let out a soft yawn, cutting him off his sentence," Tommy, how light are you?"
Tommy perked up.
"Oh, uh... About ooo, it's been a while since I checked but I was about 97lbs? Maybe 100 now?" Tommy answered.

"Isn't that a little light?!" Jack asked while Smajor's head bobbed on his shoulder, mostly asleep.
"Wha- oh, no! It's actually a really healthy weight for Avians! Dad's probably only a bit heavier than me, with his wings and all," Tommy chirped.

Jack grunted softly at the comment.


The voice startled them and they frantically looked around.

"Fire boy, Air boy? Heeellooo?"
"Oh, Niki!" Tommy laughed.
"Hi, boys- wooop, careful! How are you 2?" She asked.
"It's so g*d d*mn cold!" Jack declared his grip tightening on the man on his back.

Niki giggled.
"I'd presume. Hey Tommy?" Niki continued.
"Yeah?" Tommy replied.

"You know Tubbo best-" Niki continued.
"I do," Tommy affirmed proudly.
"How long does he usually stay in his cacoon?" She finished.
"Uh.... Usually a couple minutes to an hour, why?" Tommy replied.
"Huh... Ok, thanks," She replied and then went silent.

"Niki?" Tommy called after her.
"Hellloooooo? Niki? Why do you ask?" Tommy tried.

Jack and Tommy exchanged a look of worry between the 2 and quickened their pace.


Ranboo hastily wrapped his endershawl around his waist, unable to have it on his arms like usual, purely out of irritation.
Techno's mouth quirked slightly at the determined boy.

"Ran, you can calm down," Techno encouraged as they walked through the now rainless street.
He didn't calm down... Unfortunately.

"We need to get them all gifts for when they return home!" Ranboo encouraged rushing into a store, Techno not too far behind him.

Techno, a fairly large, 6'4, buff, 21-year-old man, trailed behind the 6'6, really thin, matching the description of a missing child, 14-year-old boy Ranboo, watching his every step with intent.



The cops were called....

"Excuse me, sir, what's your name?" A manager asked Ranboo cautiously, he had a fluffy brown set of ears and tail. A feline.
Ranboo cawed, startled by the man in uniform.
"Uh...?" He stammered.

The man's eyes narrowed. Techno came closer.
A gun was pulled and Techno's arms shot up into the air. It was a short thing but a gun's a gun. Techno wasn't about to have Ranboo watch him get shot by a f*cking maniac.
"What the f*ck dude!" Techno immediately replied.
"You're talking to my baby brother, I just wanna know what you're doing you creep!" Techno snapped.

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