Babysitting is Haaaard

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"Phil!" Wilbur called running up to his father's nest.
He paused at the evident lack of father. Huh... It was still fairly dark outside, the sun was just barely on the horizon.
This was Wilbur's least favorite time of day. There was no way to properly block out the sun at this point other than staying indoors.

But staying indoors was no fun! And Wilbur was determined to find his dad.
"Phil?" Wilbur called.
He spun around studying the area. Though it was very quickly noticed how crowded it was. Finding him would be near impossible unless he was flying.

Though Wilbur did get a good vantage point from here. He could see the Pubé just a bit above him to the left, and down below he could see FM's cabin and Tubbo's treehouse which had grown big enough to accommodate Ranboo and Micheal, just a bit further to the left was the lake and if he paid close attention he could see Niki's home. If Wilbur turned his attention to the right he would be able to see Tommy's little elevated home. And below that, only a few blocks north was Fundy's small attempt at an above-ground cabin. Though Wilbur knew there was a lot more below it.

Behind him, parallel with their homes was Scott's home a small thing with a dome roof. Last Wil checked he called it an Observatory. Whatever that was. And if he looked close enough he could see Techno's cave.
Behind him to the left, now back by the lake, was Charlie's itty-bitty hutt. An attempt to stay close by Sneeg whose dollhouse was barely a block away.
Closer to the nest were the Kitchen and the toilets. Like one of those campsites.

Across the lake, although Wilbur couldn't see it because of the Pubé, was the start of Wilbur's home, where he and Techno were gonna live(even if Techno insisted he was fine in his burrow[twins are so silly am I right?]). Wil also knows there's a small sauna for Jack though he has no idea where it is.

"Whatchu up to?" FM's voice reverberated behind him though Wilbur didn't bother turning around.
Instead, Wilbur reached up and held tightly onto his Bother Compass.
Maybe he should go huddle up with one of them?
Heh, if only Grian was here, then he could have a proper sibling pile.

"I can smell your thoughts," FM teased and Wilbur tensed.
G*d, why does he gave to be so awkwardly creepy all the time! J*sus Fragrance Man!

"Why do you have to be so unrealistically creepy at all times, Fragrance Man?!" Wilbur grumbled.
"Meh, it's funny to hear you guys tense. You know, when I'm not overloaded," Schlatt chuckled.

Wilbur spun around. Schlatt's extra arms were tucked away under his tunic and his main two were crossed over his chest.
"You're weird," Wilbur found himself saying.
"Says the guy who's standing in the rising sun while allergic to it," Schlatt shot back.

The 2 stared at each other for a couple minutes. Until finally Wilbur asked, "why do you still keep your arms tucked in? You know we won't judge."
The man slumped and sighed softly.
"You don't just get rid of habits like that when it was life or death just a year ago," FM answered, "come on let's get you back inside. I want to introduce you to a new smell!"


"He's.... Gone?" Ranboo asked.
"He went on a little trip to get Charlie some swamp water I think. So we don't have to travel so far every time he gets hurt," Scott replied with a yawn, his head on the table and his fork scratching the plate.

Sneeg grabbed Scott's fork, leaning heavily over his food.
"Smajor, I swear to g*d, if you don't stop grinding my ears with your stupid fidgeting I will give you something to fidget about," Sneeg snarled a neon venom oozing off his teeth as he bared them up at him.

Smajor immediately let go of the fork, now awake, and hastily apologized.
"Thank you!" Sneeg passive-aggressively grinned up at the Starborne.
"I may be blind but dear lord if one more person-" Sneeg began to grumble as he made his way back over to his spot with Fundy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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