But, I Could Bite It? It's Ruins...Yes, I Guess You Could! | Part 3

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5 seconds. That's all it took.
5 seconds for Grian to get close enough to the ground to tackle Mumbo and send them both up slightly and toppling to the ground.

Mumbo clearly saw it coming but he didn't dare step out of the way. All he did was laugh and pull the younger on top of him for a hug.

"Hey, birdie!" Mumbo greeted lovingly.
"Mumby!" Grian laughed, "guess who I saw recently?"
"Who?" Mumbo asked.

"My dad!" Grian hummed his colorful wings flicking behind him.
"Holy moly, really?!" Mumbo asked sitting up, pulling the shorter with him.

Grian nodded excitedly.
"He's just like I remember 'im," Grian cooed.
"Aww, Gri! That's great!" Mumbo congratulated him.

"Oh Grian, welcome home!" Beef yawned.
Grian looked up and grinned at the bearded man. If their face shape wasn't so different and if they were both humans Grian doubts he would be able to tell Beef and XbCrafted apart.

Black hair, tanned skin, blue eyes. Though one's skin tone is a bit more gray than the other's.

"I'll grab Iskall," Beef informed easily and left them to it.
Which only caused a series of laughter from the 2 men.

It didn't take long for the other merling to run in and collapse on top of them.
"My boys~!" He greeted happily.

Mumbo let out a soft loving Enderman shriek and pulled them both into a weird headlock.
"Oh shooooot!" Iskall laughed.
"Sheeeeeeesh," Grian hummed in someone else's voice.

"What does that even mean?!" Iskall laughed at the new parrot.
"Pretty sure it's about taking drugs," Grian replied simply.
There was a long pause.
"Oh!" Mumbo gasped eyes wide.
Grian nodded and patted his arm.

It didn't take long in the silence for them to burst into laughter.


"That's everyone!" Joe nodded.
Cub let out a happy buzz, his own necklace jingling as he looked around.
Everyone was in categories.

The Felines, BDubs, and False, plus the Renardian, Ren.

The Arachnid, which happened to be the woman who interviewed Grian, Gemini.
Which had lead to a hilarious moment of "You!"s once they saw each other.
Plus the human, Cleo.

The Shulks, Xisuma, and Ex, plus the Beelarians, Cub, and Joe.

The Phantoms, Stress, and Etho.

The Merlings, Iskall, Beef, and Scar, plus the Slimecicians, Jevin, and Kevin.

The Elytrians, Grian, Hypno, and XBC, plus the Avians, Wels, and Hels.

The Blazeborne, Tango.
(Poor Tango, all alone)


The Enderians, Doc, and Mumbo.

Distantly Joe wonders where the 2 new origins would slot in. Probably with Arachnid and human, and Blazeborn.

"Alright then, let's head on out!"


They stood in a circular room.
In a crescent in front of them was an array of pedestals and doors. 1 for each group.

Once upon a time, the Crystals had sat upon the pedestals. Now they lay embedded in their hosts.
A crystal is needed to open each door.
Door 1.
One of many.

"Are we sure of this?" Iskall asked stepping into the water of the wall.
"You always doubt when there's always the same answer," Grian laughed from the other side of the room.
Iskall huffed glancing at his companions.
Beef stood, or rather floated, in front of the podium.

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