The Pub| We Are Not Calling It That!| The Pubé

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Jack always forgets how bloody cold the overworld is when he steps away from a fire or leaves someone's body heat.
"It's freezing!" Jack complained slipping under Tommy's skirt for the tenth time just that morning.

"Let your body get used to it," Tommy scoffed, kicking the older.
"No I prefer this method," Jack retorted.

"I'm not your personal space heater," Tommy snapped back.
"What's a space heater?" Jack asked.
Tommy grumbled and hoisted his skirt up.
"Hey! Give me your skirt back!" Jack whined.

"IT'S A WAIST PARACHUTE!" Tommy shrieked.
"Do you realize how wrong that sounds?" Fundy asked.
Jack raised an eyebrow at the furry boy who rolled his eyes and walked away.


"I wanna make a place where all of us can be!" Jack proclaimed tapping his paper with a basic awful layout of what he wanted.
Niki hummed, kicking her feet playfully.
Niki reached forward, careful not to drip any water on him or the book Tommy had lent them, and began making notes.

"Needs a way for everyone to get in(separate ways for Niki and Phil to enter)."
"Needs a place with water for Niki ex: tank or pond inside(?)"
"High ceilings for Phil(man gets antsy)"
"Needs to be high enough in the air for Tommy to rest comfortably."
"Needs hot area for Jack to be comfortable."

Jack hummed eyeing each of the notes. They were all valid and.... This was going to be harder than he had initially thought.


"You sure you want to do this now?" Phil asked peering over Jack's shoulder.
Jack grinned up at him and nodded. Sitting on his lap was Tommy's open book, which occasionally disappeared mid if Jack didn't pay attention to it for long enough.

Inside the book was a sketch of Jack's idea. A human-made floating island with a large cabin-like structure sitting atop.
It had a waterfall coming down from the front, as well as some foliage that disguises a ladder from the top, 2 levels, and a few adjacent rooms.

It was certainly an interesting idea. But was it possible?

"We could start small! Do a platform first, or do the island first!" Jack explained.
This was going to need a lot of digging.
Poor landscape.
"Alright then, let's see what we can do," Phil smiled down at the teenager and hopped up.


Wilbur let out a sigh as he plopped down in a restaurant chair, his twin brother across from him.
"G*d it's f*cking hot out there!" Wilbur complained glancing at the momma Shulk who was glaring at them.

Well, she hadn't been hard at work in the blistering heat of July for 17 hours so f*ck her.
On the radio, a familiar voice told a story. A story Wilbur and Techno had heard a million times, a story Wilbur and Techno had lived once before.

They didn't need to hear it again. But hearing Grian was always a welcomed sound so they motioned for the person at the bar to turn it up a bit.


Grian sat in a chair. He told this story at least once every year. His hand rubbed an envelope. He had gotten it almost an entire month ago but... he was putting it off. He didn't want to return. He wondered if the others were already there. Even the hard-to-reach members.

He doubted it.
There had been no reports of a nether portal opened in the last few months.

"Alright, we're ready for you!" The person announced.
She was a sweet lady, Gemini something. Grian couldn't quite remember. She was some kind of Arachnid. He didn't know.
He didn't care.

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