Happy Birthday Enderling

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[💛Slight content Warning. Mentions of child abuse. It's only mentioned once. Do with this as you will, and stay safe💛]

Tommy grunted as he tried his best to hoist the wood wall Techno had built up onto the frame. Ranboo watched from below. Everyone was hard at work. They had been for almost a month now.

There was a huff and Tubbo plopped onto the grass beside Ranboo.
"Ugh, my back hurts!" Tubbo whined.
Ranboo gave the younger a concerned look.
"⏃☌⏃⟟⋏?" Ranboo asked.
Tubbo sighed.

"Yeah. It's always hurt but.... it's been getting really bad recently," Tubbo explained.
"⍜⟟⋏⏁⋔⟒⋏⏁?" Ranboo asked.
Tubbo chuckled.

"Sorry, I didn't understand that one," Tubbo chuckled.
Ranboo blushed and cleared his throat.
"Have you tried ointments?" Ranboo asked again shifting uncomfortably.

"Ointments? Uh.. A few? They haven't seemed to work though," Tubbo replied.
Ranboo smiled.
"Let me see what I can do," Ranboo climbed up onto his feet and rushed off.

Ranboo made it to his Chorus Orchard within a minute. It wasn't very far, to be fair, and he teleported halfway.

"Tubbo should probably go to a doctor for his problem," Ranboo noted reaching up and picking the first fruit.
"Especially if it's as bad as he says it is."
He picked another.
And another.
"I hope it'll work," Ranboo hummed leaving his orchard and teleporting back home.

"Hmmm, this is gonna end up being a cream... I hope he won't mind," Ranboo noted.

"Where am I supposed to find oil? What kind of oil is used?" Ranboo murmured.
"Oh! I could just go to a vendor in a village!" Ranboo noted.

Ranboo wandered the isles of the store he had walked into. He had asked a vendor if he knew how to make an ointment or a cream. He had given him a name and the best place to find it.
Except now he needed to find what isle olive or almond oil would be located in.

"Oil... Oil.... Where are you oil...." Ranboo chanted as he scanned the shelves.
By the 5th isle, he encountered he was met with a very colorful array of plates and napkins.

Ranboo cocked his head and he studied the peculiar array. That's when he saw the hat.
It was pointy and it read, "Happy Birthday!"

"Huh... That's right, I'll be 15 next week," Ranboo whispered eyeing the hat and the noisemakers.
"G*d forbid if Tommy ever got his hands on those," Ranboo chuckled quietly to himself and returned to his search.

By the 10th isle, Ranboo had found the olive oil and was no longer in the best of moods.
Birthdays weren't very fun in the End. In fact, they were rather demeaning. He always felt worst when it came to his next year of living.
Maybe he shouldn't mention it to them at all...

But then again....

The sight of the rows and rows of colorful thin paper and boxes and colorful plates and utensils couldn't help themselves from pushing their way to the front of his mind.

It seems like people in the overworld were much more forgiving when it came to birthdays...

"Hey, Jack? Can I borrow you?" Ranboo asked.
Jack perked up with a grin and left Niki to talk to the other Allergic-to-Water boy. They back up to the trees and Ranboo took a deep breath.

"Whatwasbirthdayslikeinthenether?" Ranboo asked.
Jack blinked.
"Birthdays? Uh.... Well, time doesn't really pass the same in the Nether, you can't really tell when a year's gone by. But... Every 5 years we get a new set of Blaze Rods!" Jack explained.

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