Hold Me Close Dear

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"General!" Someone called.
Zedaph sighed and turned.
"Yes?" Zedaph asked his hands behind his back.
The blazeborn shakily held out a rolled-up piece of mushroom paper.

Zed opened the paper and scanned over it before slamming it closed.
"We don't attack when the kingdom has no defense," Zedaph growled.
"But sir-" the blazeborn began.

Zed's blazerods burned brighter. The blazeborn immediately shut up.
"Try and get more people on our side. But we do not attack while the king is away. That is immoral," Zedaph growled shoving the paper into the blazeborn's hands.

"That will be all," he declared and turned away.
He listened as the man scampered away before daring to look down the hole again.

Why hasn't your body molded with the SoulSand yet?


"Hello?" The boy called, gripping his hand over his right eye.
"Hello!?" He called again.
"Tango? Zeddy?" The boy called.
"Brothers, please I'm scared!" The boy called.

'Hello little one'
'Oh, hello!'

The boy shrunk in on himself, trying his best to cover his ears from the loud echoing screams with only one hand available. He matched the hellos with a scream of his own and began sobbing. It burned as it exited his eyes. Or rather, eye and hole...

"Hello," a much softer voice greeted.
"I'm Aureylian," the voice greeted.
Carefully the boy looked up at the 20 or so woman in front of him. She sported large red wings with black tips that the boy has never seen before.
Shaking, the boy carefully reached out to touch her wings.
The red was a nice comfort from the neverending black all around them.

Her wing flicked out making him flinch.
"Do you like them? They're like Northern Cardinal wings! Or... What was it that Hypno called them... Pine Gross Beaks?" She chirped flapping them slightly.

She shook her head and turned to look back at the boy.
"You've been here a while, haven't you?" She hummed.
"Have I?" The boy asked.

Aureylian gently pulled his hand away from his missing eye and flinched.
"Yes, you certainly have. You're a long way away from the observatory," Aureylian noted standing back up, pulling the boy up with him.
"The what?" The boy asked.
He was ignored.

"What's your name?" Aureylian asked.
"Uh... Impulse?" The boy answered carefully, reaching up with his free hand and fiddling with his golden necklaces.
The round 'Tango' necklace clanked against the long rectangle 'Zedaph' necklace.

The red-haired red-winged woman nodded and turned around to lead him somewhere.

Now would probably be a good time to describe what she looked like.

She had long red hair that was tied into sections and pulled to her front, she wore a white, black, and red traditional hakama. She had large red wings with the tips of the flight feathers being black and a large section connecting to her back being brown. A large hole -much like Impulse's own- sat just below where her wings connected to her back, red dripped ominously from it staining her white garments in a large red streak down to her feet.

He felt like he walked through that void after that woman for centuries.
But finally, she stopped and held her hands out as if pushing open a door.

Sure enough, with enough force, the black broke and swung open just like a door would. They stepped into a very bright and colorful room. And not just reds and teals and pinks and oranges. No. A full-blown mirage of something sat before him. Around him.

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