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Sbjct 3 pried his eyes open to stare up at the Scientist at the window of his small cell. Though it was more of a small dorm room.
"Hi, dad!" Sbjct 3 waved happily, too-big eyes scrunched up in delight as he waved his too-thin arm at the scientist.

The scientist opened the door and motioned for the boy to come to him.
The boy, of course, hopped up and rushed to follow the scientist.
No words were exchanged.
None were needed anyways.

"Dinner?" The 4-year-old asked, big eyes hopeful and squeezed into crescents with his large smile.
They stopped in front of an electric door waiting till it opened for the duo. The baby turned only to be met with an Arachnid. Long black hair, sharp red eyes, 1 pair of arms, 3 pairs of legs. I wonder how uncomfortable that would be...
"Hi!" The 4-year-old giggled.


Sbjct 3 jolted from his sleep. A sheen of sweat covered his back and face, his eyes wide with unremembered fear. He pulled himself up and grumbled as he stared down at his too stretchy skin and oddly colored arm. The flaking and itch were terrible!

"Ugh. Stupid Wither," he growled, unhooking a piece of skin from the pink and green gem lodged into his left hip.
He winced as the gem nicked his skin and blood dripped lazily from the small wound.



Sbjct 3 stared intently at a rectangular metal plate outside of his room stuck to the wall. All around him people were screaming and running around in frenzies.
Stupid humans. Why won't you just shut up already?

"Ker-Keral? Keral-is? Keral-as? Keral-us?" He sounded out.
Something crunched behind him but Sbjct 3 was too fascinated with the metal plate.

"Ker-al-is? Keralis?" Sbjct 3 turned and stared up at the 3 headed boneyard that floated a foot(30 centimeters) off the ground.
"What do you think? Keralis? Does it fit me?" Sbjct 3 asked prying the metal off the wall easily enough and holding it up to the being's middle face. Which would make sense if it had eyes...

The creature huffed and Sbjct 3, newly dubbed Keralis, turned to look at the giant hole in the wall. It went straight through the first 2 layers but only singed the third.

"Oh no, I'm not supposed to leave," Keralis reasoned.
With a, seemingly, shout of rage the creature threw one of its heads at the hole, tearing through to the fifth layer.

"I don't really want to get into trouble-" Keralis tried again.
The creature gave the 20-year-old a look and his eyes blew wide.
Wide even for his disproportionately huge eyes.
"You killed how many people?!" Keralis asked, as if it was a surprise that an ancient creature who had murals of it murdering thousands and was known throughout the world for destroying and killing everything it sets its sights on, to kill humans.

Plot twist of the century.
Never could have seen this coming.
Top 10 worst anime betrayals.

Without a response from the creature, Keralis huffed out, "Ooohhh, Withy!"
Not caring what the boy thought 'Withy' threw his other head at the wall, breaking through the 5th and final wall to a scene that Keralis had never seen outside of 'Playtime' before.

It felt almost mesmerizing but his "dad's" words echoed through his head.
"Not yet."

Was now "yet"? Withy seemed to think it was. Keralis really hoped it was.

"Where are you gonna go?" Keralis asked.
The creature let out a low echoey growl and turned further into the building. Probably to find the other destructors.

Together We Can, Alone We Will [Origins SMP/Modded SMP]Where stories live. Discover now