Notes|Character Sheet: Tommyinnit

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Character sheet: Thomas (Tommy) Innit

Character sheet: Thomas (Tommy) InnitAvian14

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New Origins

Only been around in the past 400-300 years.

A race that can levitate off of the ground using 4 thin, hard to see, wings that grow in when they turn 15.
Branched off of the race "Arachnid" 300 years ago.
Lives in flower fields.
Examples of race: Tubbo Underscore

A race that can climb any surface and whose bite can kill a full-grown man.
The smallest recorded Inchling was 1 inch tall, the largest was 8 inches tall.
Branched off of the race "Arachnids" 435 years ago.
Lives in the jungle.
Examples of race: Sneeg Snag

A nocturnal race that can move so fast they appear to be flying using a burst of energy similar to enderman's.
The product of a cross between an Enderian and a Blazeborn 100 years ago.
Primary living space varies.
Examples of race: Smajor

A race with slimy skin that lets them take less damage when hitting the ground and gives them an extra jump boost.
Where they came from is unknown
Lives in swamplands.
Examples of race: Charlie Slimecicle

Also known as Kitsunes for their mysterious nature. With the ability to camouflage, their fast feet, and elegance it's no wonder out of touch humans call them forest spirits!
Branched off of the race "Felines" 500 years ago.
Lives in taigas in intricate cave systems known as burrows.
Examples of race: Fundy

Comments: Foxes are overpowered as h*ll!

Main cast

Tommyinnit was ostracized by everyone but 4 of his closest friends and a man he considers his brother before he left because the color of his patagium was unnatural and didn't match the color of his parents'.
Most patagiums are blue, white, black, or dark forest green.
Tommy sometimes looks at Tubbo's shell and wonders if he was an Avian, would he be considered normal?
Luke's (Tommy's younger friend) patagium stopped growing when he was 10 leaving his patagium too short to function properly.
Luke, Deo, and Bitzel went to Tommy's parents asking where he was after he left. They partially lied and said he went out with the older kids for a supply run, they didn't know where he was.
After the 4th day of no Tommy, they were the only ones who decided to go look for him.

The Bay Boys aren't back home.

Ranboo, according to Enderian society, is classified as an albino even though he's not entirely white like albino Endermen are.
Albino Enderians are very rare.
Ranboo was very coddled back home and just wanted to get away from it so he ran away. (Though it's not the only reason)
When he came to the overworld it was so cold he thought he was going to freeze to death right then and there. Luckily he adapted real quick and he already had long sleeves.
Ranboo was provided with an immense amount of knowledge. Both about the overworld, the Nether, and the End. He liked to use it as his escape and he thought Elytrians and Avians were extremely interesting.

Tubbo initially worked for a group that hunted down rare or uncommon origins like Avians, Renardians, and even Beelarians, even though he unknowingly is one of them.
Tubbo, since he was 10, has had intense back pain twice every week. Every year during December it gets intensely worst. He's always just brushed it off though.
Tubbo used to have a good friend named Grayson Purpled who had, in Tubbo's opinion, stupidly dyed his already purple shulk shell purple.
Grayson disappeared a year before Tubbo joined the hunters.

Comments: these kids need better coping mechanisms than running away to join a group/gang of (usually) older people.

Notes on the rest will be provided with the next character sheet and chapters ❤

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